PsL Monthly 1993 December
PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (December 1993).iso
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Public (software) Library
December 1993 CD-ROM
Copyright 1993 Nelson Ford, PsL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
NOTE: This file contains descriptions of all the new programs on this
month's CD-ROM. Each directory also contains a FILES.BBS file
for that directory. The directories in the \PRGMMING\DOS and
\PRGMMING\WIN paths each have a FILES.BBS file, but are not
included in this file.
BAREBONE.ZIP 143070 09-28-93 Bare Bones Accounting 1.00 (J. W. Funsten,
| reg. fee: $55) is a double-entry bookkeeping
| system. It can handle up to to 100 different
| projects in the same database. Combined
| project reporting is supported. Up to eight
| bank accounts may be shared by all projects.
| This program is ideal for fund accounting,
| where there are several funds being operated
| jointly, and separate statements and balance
| sheets are required for each fund. It is
| useful for contractors operating several
| projects jointly, but requiring cost
| breakdown. It also is useful for charities,
| condominium associations and other
| non-profit organizations or for real estate
| accounting where a balance sheet is required.
COLLECT.ZIP 251515 09-29-93 Collect 1.04 (Paul E. Tucker, reg. fee:
| $150) is an accounts receivable collections
| sub-system for MED#1(PsL disk set #27131)
| and DENTAL#1 (set #27418), which are medical
| office management systems..
EZB32.ZIP 304924 10-05-93 EZ-Biller 3.2 (Blue Chips Inc., reg. fee:
| $75) is an invoicing and inventory program
| for any size business. It provides five
| different types of invoices for products or
| services. It will also track inventory,
| sales, taxes, customers, accounts
| receivable, packing lists and back orders.
GPP106_1.ZIP 281038 10-07-93 GIST Plus 1.06 (Robert F. Keber Jr., reg.
| fee: $99) is a general invoice sales tracker
| for firms needing descriptive invoices which
| include more than just numbers.
GPP106_2.ZIP 258728 10-07-93 See GPP106_1.ZIP
II62.ZIP 365899 10-12-93 Inventory Interface 6.2 (Data Interface,
| reg. fee: $135) is an inventory management
| system.
INVOICER.ZIP 230635 09-21-93 The Invoicer with Accounts Receivable 1.0
| (Michael Kelley, reg. fee: $89) is an
| invoicing and statement generating system.
| It features an accounts receivable section
| that allows you to post entries to accounts,
| print statements, print past due notices,
| view the accounts, get aging reports, and
| more. Invoices and statements can be printed
| on either blank paper or preprinted forms.
XPNS2.ZIP 147015 10-04-93 XPNS - Expense Reporting System 2.0 (William
| J Dowling, reg. fee: $12) keeps track of
| expenses on a business trip. Expenses can be
| assigned to any of ten categories, including
| lodging, transportation, entertainment and
| meals.
FAP.ZIP 112042 10-18-93 Financial Analyzer Planner 3.1 (John R.
| Reitz, reg. fee: $15) is a money management
| program for pre- and post-retirement
| planning. It allows you to investigate a
| wide range of inflation scenarios and
| investment strategies to help you plan for
| retirement or financial independence.
| Requires 512K RAM.
FINCAL.ZIP 247424 10-04-93 Financial Calculator 3.1 (Paul D. Murphy,
| reg. fee: $35) is an interactive
| problem-solving manual which explores key
| financial concepts such as interest,
| amortization, bonds, zero coupons, and more.
| It also includes a financial calculator.
MOMONY01.ZIP 133648 10-20-93 MakeMoney 1.01 (Lighthouse Productions, reg.
| fee: $17) tells how to save money and invest
| it in paying off mortgages. A Primer is
| included on becoming totally financially
| free. Requires 640K RAM, VGA, and 800K of
| hard disk space.
PERFCNTS.ZIP 623497 10-12-93 Perfect Cent$ 5.0s (Wm. R. Colby-Newton,
| reg. fee: $15) is a home office management
| system. It features a checkbook manager,
| pop-up calculator, appointment reminder, and
| inventory database management system. It
| also has loan amortization and net worth
| calculation programs. (On CD or MegaDisk
| Set.)
ADIOS604.ZIP 180802 09-29-93 Adios Invoicing 6.04 (Third Wave Systems,
| reg. fee: $5) is an invoice writing program
| for Amway distributors and others. NEW:
| easier modification of stock number
| information and support for product handling
| charges.
BPLAN3.ZIP 197101 09-24-93 B/Plan Developer 3.0 (Tom Welch Financial,
| reg. fee: $40) helps you develop a business
| plan tailored to your specific business
| concept and financing needs.
CL.ZIP 183646 10-13-93 Contact-Lens 2.1 (Kruse Control Software,
| reg. fee: $25-75) is a contact management
| system. It features seven data screens,
| three memo fields, unlimited user defined
| categories, a search list that accesses as
| you type, 22 search fields, pop-up calendar,
| hot keys, schedule reminder, printed
| reports, mailing labels, and more.
DATEMIND.ZIP 10789 10-14-93 DateMinder 1.0 (Ray Fortner, reg. fee: $7)
| reminds you of upcoming events as you boot
| up your computer.
DESKTOP.ZIP 314281 10-21-93 Lawyer's DeskTop 1.0 (Carlos A. Leyva, reg.
| fee: $?) is a legal management system. It
| includes a calendar module, time and billing
| module, contact module, case/matter module,
| docket module and utilities module. The
| calendar module tracks dates and to-do's by
| cases, clients, staff, and contacts. The
| time and billing module provides a complete
| billing and receivables package with all the
| reports needed to maintain accurate records.
| The case/matter module tracks open and close
| dates, responsible attorney, balances,
| dockets, to do's, appointments, parties,
| notes, and files. The contact module tracks
| names, addresses, and related information.
EP407.ZIP 220536 10-11-93 Easy Project 4.07 (Parcell Software, reg.
| fee: $69) is an easy to use and inexpensive
| project management system.
GCM11.ZIP 51788 10-11-93 Gift Certificate Manager 1.1 (Larry Roggow,
| reg. fee: $35) is a gift certificate
| database and printing system for businesses
| who sell and redeem gift certificates.
| Customized gift certificates can be printed
| immediately as they are sold.
JCAL.ZIP 43676 10-04-93 JCal 7.6 (Lester Penner, reg. fee: $18)
| calculates dates in the Jewish calendar.
| Formerly on a disk by itself (#2165).
MED1.ZIP 965195 09-28-93 MED#1 1.07 (Paul E. Tucker, reg. fee: $395)
| is a medical office management system. NEW:
| ability to interface to ECS01 & ECS02
| 'Electronic Claims Submission' sub-systems.
MONYWD33.ZIP 274017 09-24-93 MoneyWords 3.3 (Tom Welch Financial, reg.
| fee: $20) is a comprehensive and practical
| guide to the language of business.
MTRACKR.ZIP 360097 09-30-93 MT-Tracker 6.4 (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee:
| $75) is for sales representatives; it
| integrates the scheduling power of Ticklex
| with the ability to track thousands of
| clients, companies, contacts, projects, or
| jobs. NEW: file locking for use on networks.
MV30U_1.ZIP 336632 09-15-93 MDS OBRA Assessment Tool 3.0 (Fredrick
| Small, reg. fee: $275) is a resident
| assessment/care planning package.
MV30U_2.ZIP 106036 01-01-80 See MV30U_1.ZIP
MV30U_3.ZIP 156011 03-30-93 See MV30U_1.ZIP
MV30U_4.ZIP 296851 07-20-93 See MV30U_1.ZIP
PAC31.ZIP 104323 01-04-80 Personal Appointment Calendar 3.1 (Larry
| Mears, reg. fee: $5) creates a calendar for
| remembering appointments and special days.
| Notes of 11 lines by 19 characters can be
| attached to each day.
PACCS22A.ZIP 257437 09-27-93 Public Access 2.2 (Jim Turner, reg. fee:
| $89) is a time/use/billing program for
| libraries/businesses which rent computer
| time.
PASS.ZIP 323545 10-21-93 PASS 1.0DOS (RCCO Research, reg. fee: $10)
| is an appointment scheduling program.
| Requires 512K RAM and 575K of disk space.
PCAL1462.ZIP 215154 10-13-93 Personal Calendar 14.62 (Paul Munoz-Colman,
| reg. fee: $35) displays a three-month
| scrollable calendar, a running analog and
| digital clock, and appointment and note
| lists. NEW: supports DOS 6.0 and OS/2.
PCMECH22.ZIP 271042 10-12-93 PC Mechanic 2.2 (Michael R. Busman, reg.
| fee: $50) will allow you to computerize a
| work-order and preventive maintenance
| system. NEW: networkable version, increased
| area for input of task descriptions for
| preventive maintenance and corrective
| maintenance work orders, unlimited number of
| remarks, parts, and employees may be posted
| when closing work orders and preventive
| maintenance jobs, plus warning messages
| during jobs closing when inventory reorder
| levels are reached.
PCPU.ZIP 270038 09-18-93 Care Plans Only 1.0 (Fredrick Small, reg.
| fee: $69) is a care planning system. The
| principles of HCFA resident assessment
| instrument minimum data set is cross
| referenced for each diagnosis.
PTO11_A.ZIP 451945 09-27-93 Power Take Off 1.1 (Kevin Moris, reg. fee:
| $100) is a project estimating tool and data
| base for performing virtually all aspects of
| major project planning. It keeps track of
| overall costs, converts a variety of
| measurements, allows the user to log every
| detail of the project from the initial
| concept to completion and more. Requires 8MB
| of hard drive space, 1 meg of free RAM, VGA
| or MDA monitor. (Available on CD-ROM or two
| 3.5" 1.44MB MegaDisks only.)
PTO11_B.ZIP 1409342 09-27-93 See PTO11_A.ZIP
PUNCH1.ZIP 14665 10-04-93 Punch 1.0 (Nathan Alan King, reg. fee: $10)
| keeps track of the time you spend on
| projects. It creates and maintains a data
| file in ASCII, so it can be easily edited.
P_FOCUS3.ZIP 270924 09-27-93 Profit Focus 3.0 (Tom Welch Financial, reg.
| fee: $20) offers you the opportunity to
| develop your business and extend the safety
| net of managerial know how. It helps you
| build a more competitive business and keep
| the scale tilting in your favor. Profit
| Focus also provides on-line diagnostic
| expertise to support managers, through
| on-line access to over 100 quick action
| checklists and guides.
QMV33U.ZIP 274950 09-15-93 Quality Management System 3.3 (Fredrick
| Small, reg. fee: $175) is an accounting
| system for property management services.
RESEARCH.ZIP 128463 10-08-93 Research 6.4 (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee:
| $90) is a simple database that allows you to
| enter notes on evidence, research you're
| conducting, etc. NEW: file locking for use
| on a network.
ROLV35.ZIP 352743 09-15-93 RollCall 3.4 (Fredrick Small, reg. fee: $70)
| is an employee tracking system designed for
| a Convalescent Hospital.
RT.ZIP 295471 10-13-93 ReporTrac 1.0 (Integrated Data Services,
| reg. fee: $60) is a report tracker. New
| clients or reports can be added to the
| system from multiple locations within the
| program, the status of each current report
| is instantly updated and more.
SAM.ZIP 216300 10-15-93 Schedule and Appointment Maker
| (ArkanSoftware Publishers, reg. fee: $79) is
| an organizing, scheduling, analyzing, and
| marketing assistant for professional
| offices, clinics, and service agencies. What
| you see on the screen will be similar to
| what you would write in the appointment book
| or in a client file. Requires a hard disk
| and 512K RAM.
SOB.ZIP 198506 10-06-93 SignOut Board 4.1 (Ed Albert, reg. fee: $25)
| helps small to medium businesses track their
| staff's daily schedule. It is network
| sensitive, allowing multiple access to the
| data files, and displaying changes to other
| users as the changes occur.
TDB.ZIP 6763 10-11-93 Telephone Database 1.0 (SoftCircuits
| Programming, reg. fee: $0) organizes
| telephone and address information.
| QuickBASIC source code is included.
TDEX33.ZIP 140229 10-14-93 Teledex 3.3 (Data-Labs, reg. fee: $0) is a
| handy card-file using ISAM technology.
TICKLEX.ZIP 351827 09-30-93 Ticklex 6.4 (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee:
| $60) is a tickler program for appointments,
| deadlines, reminders and timetables. NEW:
| built-in text editor, local time for 200
| cities around the world and the ability to
| produce regular and reduced size reports.
TIKLER53.ZIP 66603 09-29-93 Tikler 5.3 (Olsen Outdoors, reg. fee: $15)
| is an appointment reminder that
| automatically looks ahead a specified number
| of days and displays any appointments within
| that range.
YI2V23.ZIP 219970 09-15-93 FYI2 / Business Office Manager 2.3 (Fredrick
| Small, reg. fee: $60) is a full-featured
| office management program.
BVD410.ZIP 139756 10-07-93 Bible Verse of the Day 1.0 (MorriSoft, reg.
| fee: $5,15) displays an inspirational
| scripture verse using a variety of
| user-configurable display options.
CMTS.ZIP 1067391 10-15-93 Church Membership Tracking Sys 3.3 (Bill
| Torbert, reg. fee: $389) is a donation
| tracking system. NEW: over twenty additional
| reports, event tracking, more user-definable
| fields, auto-build organizations by
| birthdate, and sample report pack with ten
| additional reports.
SMDOS23A.ZIP 305295 10-26-93 SeedMaster 2.3 (White Harvest Software, reg.
| fee: $20-40) is a KJV Bible concordance. NEW:
| Bible databases and resources.
SMDOS23B.ZIP 133727 10-26-93 See SMDOS23A.ZIP
SQ500.ZIP 164224 09-27-93 Scripture Quest 5.0 (Philip P. Kapusta, reg.
| fee: $11) tests one's knowledge of the Bible.
BF102.ZIP 125286 01-04-80 BF 1.02 (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $25) is an
| off-line viewer of bit-mapped style graphics
| that are displayed by the B.I.G. terminal.
| Sound card required for music.
BIG103.ZIP 153918 01-04-80 Blue Instant Graphics! 1.03 (Larry Mears,
| reg. fee: $25) is a BBS terminal that allows
| greater control over graphics and sound. You
| can have BIG color text and graphics
| anywhere on the screen, allow better game
| programs to be written for BBS doors and
| provide other services where images better
| than those provided by ANSI.SYS are needed.
| Requires an RS232 driver such as BNU.SYS or
| X00.SYS.
BNU170.ZIP 74728 01-04-80 BNU Rev 5 1.7 (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $0) is
| a FOSSIL compatible communications driver
| that handles hardware specific aspects of
| communications. BNU makes it possible for a
| lot of software to run on a wide variety of
| hardware platforms capable of running MS-DOS
| but with distinct and incompatible hardware.
BPAINT05.ZIP 107734 01-04-80 Big Paint 0.5 (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $0)
| allows BBS sysops and users to paint
| pictures for on-line graphics that can be
| displayed with the Blue Instant Graphics
| terminal v1.02. It is useful for creating
| colorful logon and welcome bulletins.
CATFILES.ZIP 363046 09-30-93 Catfiles 3.22 (William Stirling, reg. fee:
| $20) will read in the file listings provided
| by various Bulletin Boards and CompuServe
| and will produce a database of the files.
| You can mark files which you have already
| downloaded or files which you want to
| download at some time. Requires a hard
| drive.
CDN100.ZIP 23046 10-05-93 Change Directory/Network 1.0 (Barry Brevik,
| reg. fee: $24) is a Novell NetWare specific
| application that makes it easy for anyone to
| automatically map and de-map network drives
| from inside a batch file or from the command
| line.
CISBIL.ZIP 37280 10-05-93 CIS Billing Tracker 2.1 (JN Goodale, reg.
| fee: $15) is an off-line CompuServe billing
| organizer. It will gather weekly and daily
| billing from captured billing information
| and provide formatted reports on screen,
| file, or printer.
COMTEST.ZIP 6898 10-10-93 ComTest (Karl Weller, reg. fee: $0) is an
| example of using COM Ports with standard C
| functions. Includes source code and
| executable file.
DATAMAIL.ZIP 323389 09-28-93 DataMail 1.1 (Richard K. Naff, reg. fee:
| $20) is a utility that will let you use your
| Sysop's BBS disk storage to send files to
| one or more specific persons. DataMail lets
| you specify exactly who may download your
| file for their use only. After they download
| it, the file is erased from your Sysop's BBS.
DIZMAN.ZIP 51221 09-28-93 DizMan 1.21 (Stefan Kuhn, reg. fee: $10)
| searches archives for a FILE_ID.DIZ file and
| writes it's contents into the FILES.BBS on
| your bulletin Board System. It can also
| search for graphics and sound formats.
| DizMan recognizes 16 archive extensions, 10
| graphics formats and 8 sound formats. This
| was written for Sysops but could be useful
| for anyone.
DOORBILL.ZIP 204215 09-28-93 DoorBill Door Manager 5.5 (MicroNet, reg.
| fee: $30) is a BBS door manager that
| supports most BBS software without the need
| for converters. Includes auto-ANSI
| detection, command stacking, the ability to
| place security levels on door categories as
| well as each door and the option to lock any
| door based on caller's baud rate. DoorBill
| supports COM ports 1-4 and Fossil drivers.
| DoorBill is compatible with PCBoard v14.x,
| Wildcat!, Spitfire, RBBS, QBBS, Remote
| Access, WWIV, UltraBBS, Telegard, GAP,
| TriTel and others.
DOORST11.ZIP 68179 06-24-93 DoorStop 1.1 (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $20)
| is a BBS controller door. It allows SysOps
| to display messages to users before entering
| a door, lockout/letin users with settings
| for many different types of criteria, set up
| certain times to remove a door from service
| (lock out times), and more.
INTERNT.ZIP 91201 10-08-93 Beginner's Guide to the Internet (Suarez
| Associates, reg. fee: $25) is a
| computer-based Internet tutorial. It
| includes a step-by-step guide for novices,
| and a comprehensive list of sign-up access
| suppliers. It covers email, ftp, telnet,
| gopher, archie, veronica, wais, www, USENET
| newsgroups, BITNET listservs, and Internet
| Relay Chat.
JSGO122.ZIP 193332 09-17-93 Galactic Overlord 1.22 (Scott Johnson, reg.
| fee: $25) is a BBS door game of galactic
| conquest. Each player tries to control a
| universe of planets. The game is multi-node
| friendly and features 20+ ANSI screens,
| animation, and the ability to create text,
| ANSI, or Wildcat! ranking bulletins.
KTFLEA.ZIP 210382 09-28-93 KT-FleaMarket 2.13 (Kelsey Technologies,
| reg. fee: $30) will provide your BBS users
| with a complete, full featured advertisement
| system that supports unlimited categories.
| You can attach files to the ads that the
| user can download.
MODEM.ZIP 61071 09-29-93 Modem (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0) lets
| you perform basic modem operations within a
| batch file and check the results using DOS
| ERRORLEVEL processing.
NAMEBBS.ZIP 13361 09-29-93 NameBBS (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0)
| helps you come up with a name for a BBS.
NEWSDB10.ZIP 217568 01-04-80 The NewsDB 1.0 (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $40)
| allows the user to create complex hypertext
| databases from Internet Usenet articles. It
| features automatic newsgroups references
| creation, automatic author directories and
| references and a UNIX to PC translation
| program. Requires a PC capable of running
| DPMI programs and The Help Development Kit
| V9.5 or newer.
NFX130.ZIP 67246 10-21-93 NFX 1.3 (Blueview Software, reg. fee: $0) is
| a graphic off-line mail reader for QWK
| packets. It supports large packets, 21,000
| messages per conference with up to 21,000
| conferences in total. Messages can be up to
| 400 lines long. Requires EGA/VGA.
NOUVEAU.ZIP 348357 10-26-93 Nouveau 2.4 (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee:
| $25) is a 7k+ pop-up email system for local
| area networks. >>>>> Zip file is missing.
OTTO15.ZIP 21450 10-12-93 Otto 1.5 (Otto, reg. fee: $31) is a script
| automator that can be used with CompuServe's
| 'autosig' to automate a wide variety of
| tasks. Otto will send out and gather e-mail,
| get stock quotes, latest news and sport
| scores, get the latest weather forecast and
| more.
RCOMM.ZIP 36566 01-04-80 RComm 2.0 (Thomas Duller, reg. fee: $25)
| will handle file transfers from any BBS with
| memory resident uploading and downloading
| using XMODEM and YMODEM. It includes a file
| transfer monitor mode, terminal capture mode
| and can be used in conjunction with your
| current communications program.
SAPPHA.ZIP 501161 10-27-93 Sapphire 4.08 (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee:
| $45) is a bulletin-board system touted as
| being maintenance-free and easy to set up
| and use.
SAPPHB.ZIP 316069 09-24-93 See SAPPHA.ZIP
SAPPHC.ZIP 12073 09-24-93 See SAPPHA.ZIP
SSFAXER2.ZIP 38769 10-06-93 Simple Simon Faxer 3.0 (Simple Simon
| Software, reg. fee: $0) sends a fax to a fax
| machine/board without CAS or any other
| interface.
STOREX47.ZIP 108490 09-28-93 Live Store 4.7 (Richard Paquette, reg. fee:
| $35) is a BBS door that allows the sysop to
| establish a shopping center environment for
| the BBS. It includes credit card
| capabilities, on-line ordering scripts and
| more.
TIE21.ZIP 254409 10-04-93 Teamwork Information Exchange 2.1
| (Otto-Williams Ltd., reg. fee: $499)
| combines electronic mail, personal time
| scheduling, meeting scheduling, and task
| management into a multi-user system..
UFRD100A.ZIP 54494 09-28-93 The Ultimate File Request Door 1.00A (Paul
| Taylor, reg. fee: $20) is a file request
| door that has tag messages so users can
| communicate with each other, send mail to
| users who's requests have been fulfilled,
| etc.. Comes with sample setup for PCB 14.x
| and Maximus but can be used with most BBS
| software.
BIBL849A.ZIP 299558 10-12-93 Bibl 8.49a (Clyde W. Grotophorst, reg. fee:
| $39) keeps track of books and articles. NEW:
| the ability to view and edit a DBL file.
DAYFLO3A.ZIP 494078 09-27-93 DayFlo Tracker Lite 3.1a (DayFlo Tracker
| Corp., reg. fee: $72) lets you keep track of
| clients, articles, correspondence and more.
| It allows for both structured information
| such as names, addresses and phone numbers,
| as well as text information such as notes,
| comments, descriptions, etc. It also
| contains an integrated word processor for
| writing and merging form letters and
| organizing them for later retrieval.
DBINDE.ZIP 6355 10-15-93 DBindent (R. S. Van Gorder, reg. fee: $0) is
| an ASCII PRG file for dBaseIII+ to indent
| program files and make them easier to read.
| ChkLoops looks for unmatched loop commands
| (eg: IF without ENDIF).
DBLITE.ZIP 186571 10-07-93 DBLite 1.2e (Mike Seither, reg. fee: $10) is
| a simple, quick and easy personal database
| program.
LL11.ZIP 196422 09-23-93 Little Lists 1.1a (Elvis Dekoj, reg. fee:
| $18) is a simple database program. Requires
| 512K RAM and a hard disk. NEW: the ability
| to import/export from DBF and ASCII
| delimited files, and the ability to read
| text files.
TXS32.ZIP 113921 10-21-93 TXS 3.2 (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $25) uses
| existential dictionaries and logic operators
| to allow fast searches on text files. Also
| includes a hyper-text help system and the
| ability to store your own words.
AQ31.ZIP 99648 10-13-93 AlphaQuote 3.1 (Bruce Robey, reg. fee: $29)
| is for budgeting or billing typesetting and
| desktop publishing projects. NEW: Several
| rates files are included with the ability to
| change easily from one set of rates to
| another. It allows for spot art, halftones,
| tabular, foreign language or other more
| difficult matter. It also prints estimates
| to disk and keeps track of the price for
| each page and the running total of a
| magazine, newsletter or other projects that
| vary from page to page.
ASGART01.ZIP 352236 10-12-93 ASG-Art01 (Andrew S. Galencher, reg. fee:
| $0) is a 4-disk set of clip art in PCX
| format. The sets are made up of public
| domain photos and detailed drawings. The
| complete set has been preinstalled in the
| DOS\ASGART directory for easier access.
| [ASGART01] - animals, birds [ASGART04] -
| images from the world's great nations
| [ASGART08] - famous painters [ASGART09] -
| images of the Columbian Exposition and
| Christmas in the 1800's.
ASGART04.ZIP 357273 10-12-93 ASGART06.ZIP
1012906 10-12-93 ASG-Art01 (Andrew S. Galencher, reg. fee:
| $0) is a 3-disk public domain clip art
| collection of old images, mainly with a
| religious theme. The complete set has been
| preinstalled in the DOS\ASGART directory for
| easier access.
ASGART08.ZIP 358212 10-12-93 ASGART09.ZIP
345313 10-12-93 CANINES.ZIP
945986 10-20-93 Classic Canines (BCM Graphics, reg. fee:
| $15) is a collection of PCX files of various
| breeds of dogs. The files have been
| preinstalled on the CD in \DOS\CANINES.
CTOC41.ZIP 143958 10-13-93 Code To Code 4.1 (Bruce Robey, reg. fee:
| $29) is a collection of programs for working
| with files containing typesetting codes.
BTB.ZIP 94819 09-20-93 Beat the Bomb 1.2 (John M. Gallant, reg.
| fee: $0) is a math quiz program which uses
| animated graphics to make learning more
| interesting.
CNAV3U.ZIP 322286 09-18-93 CNA/Nurses Assistant 3.0 (Fredrick Small,
| reg. fee: $29) will test your knowledge as a
| certified nursing assistant.
DC1.ZIP 498465 10-15-93 DC1 (Dennis M. DeLaurier, reg. fee: $42) is
| an introduction to DC electronics. NEW: adds
| a new menu program.
GERMAN.ZIP 166630 10-04-93 German Vocabulary Drill 1.0 (Barry A.
| Traver, reg. fee: $20) is a German
| vocabulary driller.The program also has
| background music and sound effects.
LCL.ZIP 431865 10-20-93 The Lost Churchill Library 1.0 (William
| Chase, reg. fee: $0) is a book on disk of
| Winston Churchill's Revolutionary War novel
| "Serapis: Caught By The Tide." It features
| 150 color PCX files, and it shows you how to
| save America's history classics in
| electronic formats. Requires 512K, a hard
| disk with 1.8 Mb free disk space, and
LPROSP23.ZIP 331488 10-21-93 LinguaPro/Spanish 2.30a (Schulenberg and
| Associates, reg. fee: $45) is a
| multi-faceted program for serious Spanish
| students.
LVNV3U.ZIP 307442 09-18-93 LVN Vocational Nurse Review 2.1 (Fredrick
| Small, reg. fee: $38) will test your
| abilities as a vocational nurse.
MOLESIZE.ZIP 1110 10-04-93 The Size of the Mole 1.0 (reg. fee: $0) is
| an amusing text file that tries to convey in
| everyday terms the enormous size of a
| quantitative unit known as a "Mole".
MTHFLASH.ZIP 42378 10-21-93 Math Flashcards 1.1s (William R. Grothe,
| reg. fee: $5) is a math game that increases
| math skills. Each game contains 10 problems.
| It covers addition, subtraction,
| multiplication, or division. Different skill
| levels are included.
MTHSMPLR.ZIP 117597 09-20-93 Math Sampler 1.01 (John M. Gallant, reg.
| fee: $13-23) is a package of animated math
| lessons and arcade action. It includes six
| games covering counting, addition,
| subtraction, multiplication, and division.
| Multidigit addition and subtraction include
| regrouping (borrow and carry). Requires a
| mouse, EGA/VGA, and 512K memory.
PCMF11.ZIP 65968 10-26-93 PHYCAL.ZIP
206208 10-04-93 PhyCal 3.1 (Paul D. Murphy, reg. fee: $35)
| is an interactive problem-solving Physics
| manual with a full function spreadsheet
| calculator. This self-study manual
| illustrates general techniques for problem
| solving that are useful in many disciplines
| besides Physics.
SCIFIN.ZIP 198819 01-01-94 SCIFIN 1.0 (Paul Murphey, reg. fee: $35) is
| a self-study manual illustrating general
| methods for interactive problem solving in
| many disciplines such as Engineering,
| Science and Finance.
SOAV3.ZIP 327029 10-21-93 Skill-Oriented Algebra III (Alfred D'Attore,
| reg. fee: $0) generates printed algebra
| exercises and tests for elementary to junior
| high students. NEW: adds the program
| Mathematics, Basic Skills.
SPELLB.ZIP 54472 10-20-93 SpellB 1.2 (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $13) is
| a spelling tutor. NEW: 400 words, twice as
| many speed variations, and an option to
| print missed words to screen or printer.
STORYMK.ZIP 325902 09-30-93 StoryMaker 2.0 (Elson Embry, reg. fee: $23)
| you create talking story books with
| animation, music and sound effects. NEW:
| more graphics in the sample picture library,
| scrolling in the zoom editor, a foreground
| mode for outputting speech through the PC
| speaker, and VOC files can be played in the
| foreground mode.
SYMBOL.ZIP 129242 10-14-93 Mathomatic 5.0 (George Gesslein II, reg.
| fee: $50) is a limited version of an
| algebraic equation solver.
TRECALL.ZIP 250861 10-11-93 Total Recall 3.04 (Zoran Sevarlic, reg. fee:
| $33) lets you create computerized study
| programs.
TW31.ZIP 295409 10-14-93 Tutorial Writer 3.1 (Intelligent Educational
| Softwa, reg. fee: $54) is an educator's
| toolkit for Computer Aided Instruction and
| testing.
UNGOO.ZIP 184943 10-18-93 Googol Math Games 3.6 (Paul T. Dawson, reg.
| fee: $10) is a combination arcade game and
| math tutor.
UNREV.ZIP 186811 10-18-93 Googol Review 3.6 (Paul T. Dawson, reg. fee:
| $10) is a number and word problem program.
USCON2.ZIP 152289 10-14-93 U.S. Constitution 2.01 (Matthew Justice,
| reg. fee: $5) contains information on the U.
| S. Constitution and history. It features
| the U. S. Constitution, Magna carta,
| Presidents of the U. S., the U. S. flag,
| landmark court cases, Declaration of
| Independence, and much more.
VIETNAM.ZIP 168016 10-20-93 Viet Nam (Hue) Culture (AsianSoft, reg. fee:
| $15) is a program containing historical maps
| and information about ancient Viet Namese
| culture. Requires VGA and 512K RAM.
VOCOVRDR.ZIP 215179 10-08-93 Vocabulary Overdrive 1.1 (Zoran Sevarlic,
| reg. fee: $23) is an effective
| vocabulary-building program. (Formerly named
| English Recall.)
PSL_NEWS.ZIP 72570 11-03-93 Text of the December 1993 edition of PsL News
AOTB.ZIP 19727 10-13-93 The Authorship of the Bible 1.0 (Jim
| Blanston, reg. fee: $0) questions the
| authenticity of the Bible.
CCV3N6.ZIP 5946 10-14-93 Chaos Corner 3.N6 (Robert D. Cowles, reg.
| fee: $0) is a short computer newsletter.
CIAHYPR1.ZIP 722416 09-27-93 CIA Hypertext 1.0 (Bangkok Security
| Associates, reg. fee: $29) is a PC version
| of The US Central Intelligence Agency's
| World Fact Book. The World Fact Book is a
| standard for US and foreign governments
| seeking up-to-date economic, geographical
| and political data on any country or area in
| the world. CIA Hypertext contains the full
| text of The World Fact Book, in
| easy-to-access form. Data can be viewed,
| saved, printed or pasted into other
| applications as needed. Requires 1.8 meg of
| hard disk space.
CIAHYPR2.ZIP 621004 09-27-93 See CIAHYPR1.ZIP
C_LITE.ZIP 128512 10-04-93 The Consciousness of Light, Lite (Geoffrey
| D. Falk, reg. fee: $8) is an article about
| the underlying unity of science and
| religion. It proposes a mechanism for the
| existence of greater free will in expanded
| states of consciousness consistent with the
| experiences of meditators in these higher
| states. Requires VGA.
DPA_20.ZIP 71404 10-05-93 Digital Publishing Association News #20
| (Rexxcom Systems, reg. fee: $0) features
| news, product developments, and information
| of interest to authors, distributors, and
| readers of electronic publications.
EGWS.ZIP 90182 10-20-93 The Entrepreneur's Guide to Wealth Secrets
| (Adam Starchild, reg. fee: $?) is
| information about financial secrets, tips
| and loopholes.
HRG43.ZIP 85019 10-04-93 HyperText Reader and Generator 4.3
| (Leithauser Research, reg. fee: $25) is a
| file viewing utility that allows the user to
| read computer text files.
MORTGAGE.ZIP 34612 09-28-93 Mortgage Reduction 1.0 (Adam Starchild, reg.
| fee: $any) shows homeowners how to take
| advantage of the Equity Acceleration
| Program. It also contains information on
| becoming a Mortgage Consultant.
NAGENDA.ZIP 35713 10-11-93 NII: Agenda for Action (NTIA NII Office,
| reg. fee: $0) contains text describing the
| Clinton/Gore administration's agenda for the
| creation of the Information Highway.
POETS.ZIP 2180 10-15-93 The Poet's Corner (Kevin J. Keyser, reg.
| fee: $0) is a collection of three poems in
| the form of an electronic magazine.
REINCARN.ZIP 41391 01-04-80 Christian Reincarnation 1.0 (Gaetan
| Mailloux, reg. fee: $5) theorizes about the
| possibility of reincarnation and
| Christianity as being part of the same
| scheme called the "God Plan".
SM109.ZIP 103467 10-13-93 Smoke and Mirrors Vol. 1 #8 10/93 (Lucia
| Chambers, reg. fee: $0) is an electronic
| magazine of short stories, poetry, articles
| and graphics.This issue is dedicated to
| paranoia.
SOFTPOEM.ZIP 203215 10-20-93 SoftPoem (Robert Kendall, reg. fee: $0) is a
| work of interactive video poetry. Text is
| brought to life with graphics and animation.
| Requires 640K RAM, a hard disk and EGA/VGA.
STR938.ZIP 68224 09-27-93 Silicon Times Report #9.38 (R.F. Mariano,
| reg. fee: $0) is an electronic computer
| publication with general computer news and
| press releases.
STR939.ZIP 52420 09-27-93 Silicon Times Report #9.39 (R.F. Mariano,
| reg. fee: $0) features computer related news
| worldwide.
STR940.ZIP 54787 10-04-93 Silicon Times Report #9.40 (R.F. Mariano,
| reg. fee: $0) features computer related news
| worldwide.
STR941.ZIP 41071 10-15-93 Silicon Times Report 9.41 (R.F. Mariano,
| reg. fee: $0) is an international on-line
| magazine. It features accurate up-to-date
| news and information on current events,
| original articles, tips, rumors and
| information on hardware, software, imports,
| and more.
SWRADIO.ZIP 25704 10-11-93 SWRadio 1.0 (Mendel Cooper, reg. fee: $0)
| explains how to build a shortwave radio for
| as little as 3 to 5 dollars. Also tells how
| to build a 12-volt power supply for use with
| your radio, where to tune for broadcast and
| ham bands in the shortwave spectrum, how to
| get articles from books and electronics
| magazines about building shortwave
| converters and receivers and other shortwave
| related topics.
WINBID.ZIP 61977 10-20-93 Winning Bid (Adam Starchild, reg. fee: $?)
| tells about purchasing merchandise at
| bargain prices from government auctions.
WOMAN15.ZIP 202395 09-27-93 Woman 1.5 (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $0) is a
| collection of writings about women. It
| contains quotes about women along with
| exceptional writings from Kierkegaard,
| Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Freud. There are
| also memorable writings from the Buddhist
| and Hindu philosophers and more.
ZPC43.ZIP 51351 10-05-93 Z*Net Online Magazine #43 (Syndicate
| Publishing, reg. fee: $0) is an
| electronically published news magazine.
ABYSS.ZIP 115853 10-12-93 Rooms of the Abyss (Martin Binder, reg. fee:
| $2) is a 3-D role-playing adventure game.
ALPHAMAN.ZIP 115104 09-27-93 Alpha Man 1.1 (William Soleau, reg. fee:
| $12) is an addictive problem solving puzzle.
ATCGAME.ZIP 50566 10-21-93 ATC-Game 1.0 (Eddy Van de Winckel, reg. fee:
| $40) is an Air Traffic Control simulation.
| You are in charge of the terminal area of a
| medium sized international airport. It is
| your job to vector the departing traffic to
| the appropriate airway and the arriving
| traffic to the appropriate runway,
| maintaining sufficient separation between
| aircrafts.
BA531.ZIP 132032 10-05-93 Bowling Assistant 5.31 (Richard G.
| Marchessault, reg. fee: $0) is a versatile,
| easy to operate bowling league record
| keeping program that can eliminate the hours
| spent each week manually updating your
| league records. As soon as the scores are
| entered the program takes care of all the
| record keeping details.
BAFRICAN.ZIP 350093 09-30-93 Bert's African Animals 3.2 (Theron Wierenga,
| reg. fee: $22) a coloring program for
| children. NEW: Sound Blaster support plus
| voice is available through the PC speaker.
BDINO.ZIP 434437 09-30-93 Bert's Dinosaurs 3.2 (Theron Wierenga, reg.
| fee: $22) is a coloring program for
| children. NEW: Sound Blaster support plus
| voice is available through the PC speaker.
BOLO3.ZIP 110746 09-27-93 Bolo Adventures III 1.1 (William Soleau,
| reg. fee: $12) save Mr. Bolo from the traps.
BPA.ZIP 420690 10-21-93 Bert's Prehistoric Animals 3.2 (Theron
| Wierenga, reg. fee: $20) is a coloring
| program for children. The child places
| prehistoric animals on a variety of
| backgrounds and colors the picture. A voice
| feature allows the animals to speak their
| names. A window is provided for children to
| write a short story about their picture. The
| image and story can be printed out. Requires
| 512K, VGA and a mouse.
BWD.ZIP 356758 10-20-93 Bert's Whales and Dolphins 3.2 (Theron
| Wierenga, reg. fee: $22) is a coloring
| program featuring sea mammals. Its features
| are similar to Bert's Prehistoric Animals.
| (This is on the same PsL MegaDisk Set as
| Bert's Prehistoric Animals.)
BXMAS.ZIP 413114 10-21-93 Bert's Christmas 3.2 (Theron Wierenga, reg.
| fee: $20) is a coloring program featuring
| Christmas images. Its features are the same
| as Bert's Prehistoric Animals. (This is on
| the same PsL MegaDisk Set as Bert's
| Prehistoric Animals.)
CRUSHER2.ZIP 126877 09-27-93 Crusher Castle II 1.1 (William Soleau, reg.
| fee: $12) is the sequel to Crusher, the
| adventure strategy game.
CRYPMAN.ZIP 96472 10-21-93 Crypto-Mania 2.21 (Don L. Dow, reg. fee:
| $15) is a game of cryptograms, which are
| sentences or phrases written in code, one
| letter substituted for another. You must
| decipher the code and reveal the phrase.
| There are 250 puzzles included. Requires
| 640K RAM.
CRYPT.ZIP 253313 10-05-93 Cryptik: Encoded Jigsaw Puzzle 1.4 (Cascoly
| VGA Puzzle Sets, reg. fee: $15) is a set of
| Jigsaw puzzles for the PC. The puzzle you
| choose is encoded to show its major colors,
| then the pieces are jumbled. All puzzles
| feature original photography. Requires VGA
| and mouse.
DOTSO10.ZIP 100906 09-27-93 DOTSO 1.0 (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12) is
| a puzzle game based on the classic
| connect-the-dots theme. Play against the
| computer to capture as many squares as you
| can by drawing lines to create four sided
| boxes. Requires EGA/VGA monitor.
ENIGMA.ZIP 7322 10-12-93 The Enigma (Judith E. Bagai, reg. fee: $0)
| is the monthly publication of The National
| Puzzlers' League, founded in 1883. Each
| edition of The Enigma is filled with word
| puzzles designed to challenge and entertain
| all levels of puzzle enthusiasts.
GALLANT.ZIP 97481 10-12-93 Sir Guy Gallant (Eddie R. Wright, reg. fee:
| $10) ("... & The Deadly Warning") is a
| mystery adventure game. It is set in
| mid-17th century England on the property of
| Gallant Hall. You, as Sir Guy Gallant, a
| cavalier knight of that era, must discover
| clues as to who killed your father, the late
| Sir James.
GAMBLER.ZIP 337489 10-11-93 $mart Gambler 1.5 (Roy Schoenbeck, reg. fee:
| $43-46) is a casino gambling tutor.
GVT203.ZIP 237139 10-04-93 Graviton 2.03 (Daniel A. Sill, reg. fee:
| $10) is an excellent simulated vector
| graphics space game.
HANG4.ZIP 151077 10-12-93 Hangman 4.0 (Larry W Parker, reg. fee: $15)
| is a game of hangman for VGA.
HARRY.ZIP 1280322 10-13-93 Halloween Harry 1.1 (Apogee Software
| Productions, reg. fee: $35) Aliens have
| landed in New York City and are intent on
| turning humans into mindless zombies in
| their conquest of the universe. Harry is our
| only hope in defeating their ghoulish
| advances. Help Harry blow away the aliens
| with an arsenal of weapons, including flame
| throwers, missiles and grenades. Rescue the
| captives at each level before finding the
| way out and on to the next adventure.
| Halloween Harry comes complete with a
| colorful tutorial, fantastic, scrolling,
| perspective-based graphics and three skill
| levels. Requires a 386 or better and
| 256-color VGA. It supports Joysticks,
| gamepads and Sound Blaster compatible sound
| cards.
LOVEFIRE.ZIP 81124 09-29-93 LoveFire 1.2 (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee:
| $0) is a branching story program.
MARBL11.ZIP 31863 10-21-93 Marble Guess 1.1 (Blueview Software, reg.
| fee: $15) is a rendition of the classic game
| of Master Mind. You try to guess the hidden
| marbles in the least amount of chances.
| Requires VGA/MCGA and a mouse. Requires VGA
| and a mouse.
MICEMEN.ZIP 102838 09-27-93 Mice Men 1.1 (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12)
| challenges you to guide your 12 mice across
| the playing area before the computer's mice
| make it across the opposite direction.
OILCAP61.ZIP 113928 09-27-93 OilCap 6.1 (William Soleau, reg. fee: $12)
| is similar to the game Pipe Dream. Contain
| the flow of oil before it reaches a dead end.
PLIX10.ZIP 104195 09-27-93 PLIX 1.0 (William Soleau, reg. fee: $) is a
| puzzle stratagy game similar to Alpha Man
| (by the same author). The objective is to
| push and position patterned tiles onto their
| matching negative image at the bottom of the
| game board. It sounds easy, yet the tiles
| will continue to slide in the direction you
| push them until they hit another tile or the
| side of the game board. Requires EGA/VGA
| monitor.
RAKU.ZIP 103241 09-28-93 Raku Master 1.0 (William Soleau, reg. fee:
| $) is a logic game for serious puzzle
| lovers. The object of the game is to flip
| all the red tiles back to gray in as few
| moves as possible. The Raku Master will
| tell you the exact number of moves in which
| he can solve the puzzle. If you don't
| believe him, he will show you. Requires
REAC1.ZIP 39571 10-12-93 Reactor 1.0 (Scott Andrews, reg. fee: $0) is
| a maze game similar to the author's AMAZE.
| Find your way through this maze inside of a
| nuclear reactor using your mouse to move
| forward, left and right. Don't take too long
| or you may die from overexposure.
SCRABFAQ.ZIP 21164 10-06-93 Everything You'd Ever Wanna Know About
| Scrabble 1.0 (Steven Alexander, reg. fee:
| $0) is a collection of facts about the game
| of Scrabble. It includes information about
| tourney rules for U.S. and Canada, tips on
| playing a better game and lists of
| Scrabble-related books, periodicals, and
| software.
SHAKEIT.ZIP 2539 10-13-93 Shake It 1.03 (Eitan Bar, reg. fee: $0) is a
| 3K practical joke TSR that causes the screen
| to shake.
SQUARE.ZIP 11992 10-04-93 Squares 1.2 (Geoff Friesen, reg. fee: $25)
| is an 11k pop-up game whose object is to
| turn all the squares black.
SUPRCROC.ZIP 42966 10-13-93 Super Croc (Dave Culbertson, reg. fee: $2)
| is a challenging puzzle game. The objective
| is to remove as many crocodiles as you can
| by jumping one over another. It features
| animated exploding crocodiles. Requires
THREE_O.ZIP 138579 09-29-93 Three-O 1.0 (DeQueen Software, reg. fee:
| $18) is a board game similar to tic-tac-toe
| with numbers. The object is to get three of
| your numbered tiles in a row, at which point
| you score the sum of their numbers. Requires
| two people to play each other.
UHS.ZIP 703685 10-18-93 Universal Hint System 1.51.91a (Jason
| Strautman, reg. fee: $10-25) gives you
| hint-book style clues for many popular
| computer games. It only shows the hints and
| maps that you want, so your game is not
| needlessly spoiled. Requires EGA/VGA.
ULTRATC.ZIP 46881 09-24-93 Ultra-Quiz (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee:
| $4-6) appears to be a combination of an IQ
| test and a trivia game.
WALLPIPE.ZIP 115116 09-28-93 Wall Pipe 1.1 (William Soleau, reg. fee:
| $12) is a sequel to Oilcap.
WORDY2.ZIP 282685 10-11-93 Wordy 2.0 (M. Cooper, reg. fee: $2-8) is a
| word construction game that challenges you
| to enter as many words as possible out of a
| set of letters. Wordy checks your choices
| against a 94,000 word dictionary and keeps
| track of your score.
WSC31.ZIP 110418 09-27-93 Word Search Creator 3.1 (Owen Associates,
| reg. fee: $29) creates and prints word
| search puzzles
XWORD.ZIP 166656 10-13-93 The Daily Crossword 1.0 (Aus-PC-Soft
| Shareware, reg. fee: $30-40) allows you to
| construct and solve crossword puzzles.
| Features include automated crossword
| construction, on screen solving of
| crosswords, printout of the lattice, clues
| and solution, and facilities for maintaining
| a pool of lattice designs and dictionaries.
| You can create new dictionaries, add words
| and clues to existing dictionaries, display
| statistics of a dictionary, and there is
| also a special word feature for personal
| greetings or advertising slogans. Requires
| VGA, 512K Ram, and 1MB of disk space.
YP150.ZIP 39657 10-22-93 Young Picasso 1.5 (Blueview Software, reg.
| fee: $0) is a draw and paint program for
| children. It features bright colors with
| large icons, and it's fun and easy to use.
| Requires VGA and a mouse.
3DWORLD.ZIP 144350 10-12-93 3DWorld 1.0 (Charles Carr, reg. fee: $12) is
| a virtual reality demonstration that allows
| you to move around through objects such as
| trains, buildings, planes, animals, toy
| boxes and more. Requires a hard drive and
| 256 color VGA.
ANIMATE.ZIP 525386 10-12-93 Animation For Everyone (Russell D. Hoffman,
| reg. fee: $0) is a demonstration of
| Russell's Animation Machine (#20058).
CS44.ZIP 166042 10-14-93 Cs44 4.14 (reg. fee: $0) is an on-line GIF
| viewer. It displays GIF pictures while you
| are downloading them from any BBS using
| ZModem.
DPA.ZIP 86205 09-27-93 Deluxe Paint Brush Collection 1.0 (Nicola
| Battista, reg. fee: $0) is a collection of
| brushes for Deluxe Paint Enhanced from
| Electronic Arts.
HATCHER.ZIP 337643 10-20-93 Hatcher Hatch Patterns 1.sw (Morris E.
| Sharp, reg. fee: $40) is a collection of 100
| AutoCAD hatch patterns. Supports AutoCAD
| versions 10 and 11, but not 12.
ICN11.ZIP 14670 10-21-93 PCX2LCN 1.1 (Blueview Software, reg. fee:
| $20) converts PCX files to RIP Icon format.
IMPROCES.ZIP 158848 10-11-93 Improces 2.0 (John Wagner, reg. fee: $25) is
| an excellent SVGA image processor supporting
| all modes from 320x200x256 through
| 1024x768x256.
JENGAL.ZIP 305413 09-27-93 DREAMS starring JENNIFER (Nicola Battista,
| reg. fee: $0) is a "Gallery" animation for
| Deluxe Paint Enhanced by Electronic Arts.
MPAIN37.ZIP 74843 10-21-93 MagniPaint 3.7 (Blueview Software, reg. fee:
| $20) is a graphic editor for creating and
| manipulating small graphic images. It can
| handle graphics up to 100 x 100 pixels in
| size with 16 or 256 colors. It supports PCX,
| BMP, ICO and RIP icons. Requires a mouse,
PCX2EX14.ZIP 216475 10-15-93 PCX2EXE 1.44 (Mike Williams, reg. fee: $25)
| converts PCX files into self-displaying EXE
| files. NEW: a TSR screen grabber that saves
| in PCX format and no limit on the size of
| PCX files that can be created.
PROTOCAD.ZIP 320442 10-26-93 ProtoCAD 3D 1.10c (David A. Leonard, reg.
| fee: $65) is a fast 3D CAD/rendering
| program. >>>>>>>>zip file missing.
ROTOR20.ZIP 314430 10-20-93 Rotor 2.0s (Michel Robert, reg. fee: $60) is
| an interactive animation engine. It creates
| graphic designs, images, and animations. The
| program incorporates a wide variety of
| built-in shapes, and it supports
| user-defined forms. These can be animated in
| a multitude of ways: sequences, rotations,
| expansions, contractions, deformations,
| linear and non-linear travels, color and
| texture variations, etc.
RUSSELL.ZIP 1047893 10-12-93 Russell's Animation Machine 8.24 (Russell D.
| Hoffman, reg. fee: $27) lets you create and
| display graphic applications.
TEXTDR.ZIP 25799 10-07-93 Text-Draw 1.0 (SoftCircuits Programming,
| reg. fee: $0) is an ANSI-character drawing
| program. You can use it to make screens for
| software you write, for BBSs, for batch
| files, etc.
TIFVIEW.ZIP 134238 10-06-93 TifView 1.0 (Pegasus Imaging Corporation,
| reg. fee: $0) is a TIF file viewer which
| supports panning, zooming and changing pages
| on multipage TIFs. It will also perform
| three types of anti-aliasing.
TIGRESS.ZIP 1204621 10-12-93 Tigress (reg. fee: $0) is a "morph" of a
| woman changing into a tiger. Morphing is a
| graphic technique seen in movies like
| Terminator 2. This is actually an
| improvement of a morph that PsL once did for
| a cover story on morphing. (On CD and 1.44MB
| 3.5" MegaDisk only.)
TPAINT15.ZIP 181035 09-27-93 Text Paint 1.5 (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $10)
| lets you create plain or multi-colored text
| screens. It supports 43/50 line modes on
| EGA/VGA and ASCII line drawing characters.
| You can also create slide shows. A TSR is
| included for capturing color text screens
| for editing with Text Paint. Requires a
| mouse.
ALM501.ZIP 96737 09-29-93 Address List Manager 5.01 (Jack Hudgions,
| reg. fee: $15) is a mailing list manager
| that handles up to 2400 records per file.
| Features include an easy to use editor, fast
| sorting, automatic return address printing
| and versatile customization. You can
| customize output to fit any size page, index
| card, envelope or labels. New: Phone number
| storage/printing and mouse support.
FRT173.ZIP 396355 10-01-93 Freight+ UPS Rate Look-UP 1.73 (Carrera
| Computers, reg. fee: $50) is a memory
| resident UPS rate program which will
| calculate all UPS rates, insurance, COD,
| Saturday delivery, oversized charges etc.
| (On MegaDisk or CD-ROM only.)
PUBADD.ZIP 155772 10-04-93 Public Address 3.10 (Chris M Davies, reg.
| fee: $20) is a mailing list manager.
USMAIL.ZIP 157302 10-14-93 USMAIL 3.1a (Steve Madden, reg. fee: $42)
| let's you quickly look up mailing costs in
| the U.S and other countries.
ZK206.ZIP 209235 10-30-93 Zipkey 2.06 (Isaacson, Eric, ASP; $30) allows
| instant access to any of the more than 43,000
| zipcodes in its complete city-level directory
| of five-digit U.S. zip codes. This update
| contains the latest update to the shareware
| zipcode database.
1STAID.ZIP 38857 10-08-93 First Aid 5.0 (Howard M . Schwartz, reg.
| fee: $25) is a first aid tutorial based on
| the current standards taught in courses
| offered by several national organizations.
| NEW: recommendations of medical authorities
| concerning emergency care for victims who
| are not breathing or whose heart has
| stopped, specific recommendations for the
| contents of a first aid kit to handle home
| and work emergencies, and legal and ethical
| matters to be considered when rendering
| emergency care.
AUDIONX.ZIP 352210 10-21-93 AudioNexus 1.0DOS (RCCO Research, reg. fee:
| $15) catalogs your audio cassettes, CD's,
| LP's, DCC's, MiniDiscs, and other formats.
| Features include a report writer, the
| ability to print album labels, nine sort
| options, calculator, text-search, mouse
| support, EMS support and support for a wide
| selection of printers. Requires 1.4MB of
| disk space and 512K RAM.
BEAUTIFY.ZIP 10534 09-27-93 Beautify 1.1 (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $0)
| converts any standard text file to
| psuedo-Bible language. ("Yours" becomes
| "thine", "never" becomes "ne'er", etc.)
CIRCUM10.ZIP 189536 10-14-93 CircumSpace 1.0 (Mark A Haney, reg. fee:
| $15) is a space travel simulator.
CODV1U.ZIP 197053 09-18-93 Codes Only 1.0 (Fredrick Small, reg. fee:
| $48) is a Disease Etiology Index Coding
| Program. It handles all clinical
| modifications of diseases in an alphabetical
| index by etiology.
CPRV21.ZIP 241364 09-18-93 CPR\ByStander Review 2.1 (Fredrick Small,
| reg. fee: $23) teaches about and tests your
| knowledge of CPR.
DATETIME.ZIP 8574 10-14-93 Date & Time 1.0 (reg. fee: $0) displays the
| current date and time at the top of the
| screen and continuously updates it. Written
| in C with source code included.
ESP.ZIP 40718 10-15-93 ESP 1.0 (SoftCircuits, reg. fee: $0)
| attempts to test and strengthen your psychic
| abilities. A series of shapes are hidden
| behind the screen. Imagine the shape and
| enter your choice from the prompt. The
| program keeps a running total of the number
| of guesses and also shows the current
| percentage of correct guesses.
EZCARD.ZIP 63236 10-20-93 EZCard 1.2 (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $8) is a
| sports card collection database. NEW: a
| value field that can be totaled; record
| editing in the search mode.
FFLYER.ZIP 324244 10-05-93 The Frequent Flier Manager 4.0 (Bill
| Phillips, reg. fee: $44) helps members of an
| airline travel award programs keep track of
| there frequent flyer miles. Requires 1.2MB
| of hard disk space, a color monitor and an
| Epson or HP Desk Jet compatible printer.
FREEBIE4.ZIP 159684 09-22-93 Freebies 4.0 (Louis Puccio, reg. fee: $0) is
| a sample database of companies with toll
| free numbers where you can obtain free
| magazines, game demos, videos and more.
INVZIP.ZIP 109440 10-04-93 Home Inventory 1.10 (Silicon Systems, reg.
| fee: $24) allows you to track home or small
| business inventory. Items can have
| properties such as serial numbers, cost,
| replacement cost, etc. You can easily create
| insurance and value reports.
JBIRD.ZIP 181729 09-24-93 JailBird 2.0 (RMH Computer Services, reg.
| fee: $19) allows you to create replicas of
| vanity license plates with customized top
| and bottom license plate frame messages. You
| enter the state and JailBird adds the
| state's slogan. The finished product can be
| printed out. Requires VGA and a mouse.
MEDTXT10.ZIP 180139 09-15-93 MedTxt 1.0 (Dudley Darr, reg. fee: $30) is
| an easy to use electronic medical textbook
| which discusses medical subjects in detail.
| Features include global search, bookmarks,
| and instant access of topics and subtopics.
| VGA required.
MYTHS.ZIP 35678 10-06-93 Computer Virus Myths 10th (Rob Rosenberger,,
| reg. fee: $0) a text file that offers useful
| advice on how to guard against computer
| virus attacks as well as information
| regarding proper removal of viruses. It also
| Includes discussions on the Morris
| "InterNet" worm and the alleged Gulf War
| virus.
PREDICTO.ZIP 301487 01-04-80 Predictor 1.3 (Don Ellis, reg. fee: $40)
| forecasts the weather based on data you
| enter. Predictor has, tables for determining
| wind chill factors, heat indexes and wind
| speed and a data base for daily weather
| information. Requires 3MB disk space.
SBOOK13.ZIP 245333 10-14-93 Sandd's Book Guide 1.3 (Bertrand LaMarche,
| reg. fee: $34) is a cataloging system for
| your library of books and magazines. NEW:
| automatic last tape number lookup for
| adding, a value field, value report,
| Title-Author-Edition report, searching on
| all fields in the database, and support for
| higher resolutions and full GIF viewing.
SCROLLZ.ZIP 284020 09-30-93 ScrollZ 2.00 (Charles P. Schell IV, reg.
| fee: $25) tracks all of your printed matter
| such as magazines, books or newspapers. A
| note section is provided for recording
| comments. It prints listings, catalogs,
| Rolodex cards, custom lists, and stats on
| your collection.
SKYGLO36.ZIP 362514 10-14-93 SkyGlobe 3.6 (Mark A. Haney, reg. fee: $20)
| lets you see on the screen what the sky
| would look like at night.
TRVLFRE.ZIP 72245 10-20-93 Travel Free (Adam Starchild, reg. fee: $?)
| tells you ways to travel free or at low cost.
TVRO10.ZIP 116562 10-04-93 TVRO Assistant 1.0 (Chris Davis, reg. fee:
| $10) assists in setting up and aiming a
| satellite dish.
USPRO107.ZIP 545111 10-13-93 US Philatelist Professional 1.07 (Greg
| Morken, reg. fee: $60) aids in keeping
| detailed information about U.S. stamp
| collections.
VIDEONX.ZIP 350381 10-21-93 VideoNexus 1.0DOS (RCCO Research, reg. fee:
| $15) tracks your video cassette and laser
| disc collection. Requires 1.4mb of hard
| disk space and 512K RAM.
BMASTER.ZIP 269410 09-30-93 Blaster Master 5.8 (Gary Maddox, reg. fee:
| $30-50) is a tool kit for working with raw,
| uncompressed Sound Blaster VOC files.
GTDOS150.ZIP 106404 10-11-93 Guitar Teacher 1.5 (Michael Fenemore, reg.
| fee: $15) displays chord structure for all
| the major, minor, seventh, major seventh,
| minor seventh, suspended fourth, and seventh
| suspended fourth.
ME400.ZIP 431335 09-27-93 MusicEase 4.0 (RMH Computer Services, reg.
| fee: $49) lets you create, edit, print, and
| play music notation. MusicEase provides a
| WYSIWYG screen oriented editor; lets you see
| on your computer screen the musical score
| exactly as it will be printed. one voice at
| a time. Entering notes is fast and easy
| with many keyboard shortcuts. MusicEase
| supports standard MIDI input and output.
SNRC21.ZIP 63302 09-27-93 Sonarc 2.1 (Speech Compression, reg. fee:
| $20) compresses and decompresses audio files
| which are in WAV, VOC or even raw format.
STYLES.ZIP 14963 10-04-93 Styles 1.0 (G. Val, reg. fee: $0) includes
| CMF files of Chopin, Palestrina and three
| original works.
BCB.ZIP 171067 10-08-93 Barcode-Blobs 1.0 (GRAFTech Development
| Corporation, reg. fee: $56) produces black
| and white PCX bar code graphics for use with
| any programs which can import PCX graphic
| files. Bar codes supported by the program
| include UPC A, UPC E, EAN/IAN 8 & 13,
| Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 128 A,B &
| C, Standard 2 of 5 and POSTNET/POSTNET ABC.
GTLABEL.ZIP 191404 09-30-93 GRAFTech's Labels-Plus 3.0 (GRAFTech, reg.
| fee: $56) is a barcode labeling program. It
| prints on over 300 different dot matrix
| printers including Epson, IBM, Okidata,
| Panasonic and compatibles. Support is
| provided for UPC Version A, UPC Version E,
| UPC/EAN/IAN 13, UPC/EAN/IAN 8, Interleaved 2
| of 5, Standard 2 of 5, Code 39 and Code 128.
| Data may be entered through the keyboard or
| via delimited or fixed-position ASCII files.
LPIIS.ZIP 127436 10-20-93 Label Pro II 1.0 (Patrick R. Rygiel, reg.
| fee: $20) prints single and two-part mailing
| labels. It has many fonts to choose from.
PL24.ZIP 63401 10-11-93 Pop-Label 2.4 (Robert F. Keber Jr., reg.
| fee: $20) is a small program for creating
| and printing labels.
PRNCOM.ZIP 42911 10-04-93 Print Commander 3.0 (Sorcerer Software, reg.
| fee: $15) is a 4k printer control TSR.
PSPLUS.ZIP 4683 10-06-93 Print-Screen Plus 1.0 (Terry Dauplaise, reg.
| fee: $15) is a TSR which does a formfeed
| after a print-screen is done from the
| keyboard.
RPTP40.ZIP 93795 10-20-93 Ron's Print To Printer 4.0 (Ron Loewy, reg.
| fee: $20) is a text file formatter and
| printer support program. It supports page
| breaks, line numbering, headers and
| footers, any combination of page length and
| page width and can print multiple file
| documents. RPTP includes a front-end RPTPF
| program for DOS and Windows.
UNDBAR.ZIP 85701 09-24-93 Underbar 2.4 (Binary Systems, reg. fee: $35)
| is a 2K TSR which prints a Postnet bar code
| under any address that has a zip+4 code or a
| delivery point bar code.
BUSCARDS.ZIP 201526 09-29-93 Buscards 3.2 (David R. Long, reg. fee: $35)
| will print business cards on an Epson or IBM
| dot-matrix printer. Buscards give you a
| choice of borders, styles and allows you to
| control the output to your printer.
EEDOS109.ZIP 36777 10-11-93 EZ Epson 1.09 (Michael Fenemore, reg. fee:
| $5) is a printer control utility.
FED211.ZIP 195315 09-28-93 FontEdit 2.11 (Alexander Walter, reg. fee:
| $30) is font editor for HP LaserJet printers.
KWKLBL.ZIP 89208 10-18-93 KwikLabl 3.4/A (John F. Cram, reg. fee:
| $10-15) prints small return address labels
| for the upper left corner of the envelope.
| NEW: a custom border editor which allows you
| to make your own individual border design.
LABELER.ZIP 78852 10-12-93 Labeler 5.10 (Russell D. Hoffman, reg. fee:
| $15) makes it easy to print labels on Avery
| 3.5" and 5.25" laser labels.
LASERLTR.ZIP 811233 10-18-93 Laser Letterhead Plus 3.5 (Consultant
| Pharmacist Services, reg. fee: $25) will
| print letterhead stationary and envelopes on
| an HP LaserJet.
TXT2HP.ZIP 117925 10-05-93 Txt2HP 1.01 (no name given, reg. fee: $0) is
| a command-line utility that will print an
| ASCII file to an HPLJ-compatible printer,
| optionally in 2-column landscape and/or
| duplex modes.
3DLIB20.ZIP 342926 01-06-80 3DLib 2.0 (Ron Loewy,, reg. fee: $15) is a
| Turbo Pascal 3D graphic animation package.
ASM32.ZIP 151127 10-14-93 ASM32 0.9. (Douglas Herr, reg. fee: $25-50)
| is a library of assembly-language
| subroutines designed for use with the
| START32 DOS extender/startup code.
AWKLIB.ZIP 9460 10-14-93 AwkLib 1.0 (Jim Mischel, reg. fee: $0) C
| source code for a set of AWK-like regular
| expression matching routines.
BASCRN.ZIP 51781 10-20-93 BAScrn 1.0 (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $8) is a
| screen designing utility. It allows you to
| easily create text-based screens which can
| be saved and used in QuickBasic, QBASIC or
| PDS programs.
CENV1003.ZIP 169053 09-29-93 CEnvi 1.003 (Brent Noorda, reg. fee: $38) is
| a simple interpreter that uses C syntax.
DATECLS.ZIP 26223 09-30-93 Killer Date Class 4.7 (Ly Ming Tri, reg.
| fee: $0) is a full-function date class for
| C. NEW: fixes the pre/post-fix operators.
DWRK11.ZIP 161879 10-01-93 Demo Workshop 1.1 (P2 Enterprises, reg. fee:
| $65) is a demo and tutorial maker. You can
| create stand-alone presentations using
| actual screens captured during the running
| of DOS programs. You can then edit the
| recorded screens like editing a movie, cut
| and resequence scenes, and add pop-up menus
| and text windows and special effects. No
| programming is required. It creates an EXE
| running tutorial/demo file as output.
FCM2.ZIP 46550 10-01-93 Fuzzy Cognitive Map (Josef Betancourt, reg.
| fee: $0) is a simple implementation of the
| Fuzzy Cognitive Map example found in the
| texts Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems,
| Fuzzy Thinking (by Kosko)and Fuzzy Logic (by
| McNeill D.)
FORALL.ZIP 14289 10-01-93 ForAll (Ron Aaronson, reg. fee: $0) lets you
| execute a command on multiple files. C
| source code is included.
FTREE.ZIP 34931 10-01-93 Fixed-Order B-Tree Source Coce 1.1 (Bryan
| Flamig, reg. fee: $20) is source code in C++
| for implementing disk-based B-trees, based
| on Chapter 14 of the book "Practical Data
| Structures in C++", by Bryan Flamig, (John
| Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-55863-X).
GO.ZIP 187639 09-24-93 Go 2.20A (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0) is
| a software installation program.
GOGAME.ZIP 109869 10-06-93 Go Source Code 1.0 (Colin Walker, reg. fee:
| $0) is the Turbo C source code for the game
| of Go.
HDK95A.ZIP 222567 09-28-93 Help Development Kit 9.5 (Reuben Halevi,
| reg. fee: $50) creates help files for the
| Windows Help engine, DESQview/X, QuickHelp,
| THelp, TVHC, and PopHelp. NEW: OS/2 IPF
| links pop-up and keywords support, error
| processing and more.
HDK95B.ZIP 212783 09-29-93 HERCULES.ZIP
88463 09-28-93 Hercules 1.1 (Geoff Friesen, reg. fee: $10)
| is a C library for accessing and controlling
| Hercules compatible graphics cards.
HILITE.ZIP 21715 10-04-93 HiLite 1.0 (Dave Wright, reg. fee: $0) is a
| Quick Basic subroutine for highlighting
| selected text. This is useful for menuing
| systems, pick lists and various other tasks
| when programing in QB.
HSYS10.ZIP 376681 09-28-93 HelpSys 1.0 (KAP Holger Lembke, reg. fee:
| $59) is a limited demo of a utility for
| creating Turbo-Vision helpfiles.It can
| import, export, and convert existing
| helptexts and helpfiles into other formats.
| (On CD and 3.5" MegaDisk only.)
INIFIL.ZIP 7867 10-21-93 IniFile (George Byrkit, reg. fee: $0) is an
| INI file function set for C programs for
| DOS. This implements the GetProfileString,
| GetProfileInt, WriteProfileString,
| GetPrivateProfileString,
| GetPrivateProfileInt and
| WritePrivateProfileString.
INTER37A.ZIP 359881 10-05-93 MSDOS Interrupt List 3.7 (Ralf Brown, reg.
| fee: $0) is a comprehensive listing of
| functions available through interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented.
INTER37B.ZIP 350063 10-05-93 See INTER37A.ZIP
INTER37C.ZIP 100917 10-08-93 See INTER37A.ZIP
INTER37D.ZIP 210784 10-08-93 See INTER37A.ZIP
JDATE.ZIP 111266 10-04-93 JDate 1.0 (Sidney J. Kelly, reg. fee: $0) is
| a set of BASIC routines that allow you to
| manipulate dates as long integers. The
| routines also show you how to accept input
| and display output without using floating
| point numbers.
LASTLOOK.ZIP 26540 10-04-93 LastLook 1.02 (D.J. Murdoch, reg. fee:
| $0-$20) scans Turbo Pascal .EXE files and
| reports if the file was compiled in
| Turbo/Borland Pascal, if it's a regular DOS
| executable, if it includes external
| debugging information with the EXE, if it
| contains TurboVision-style resource files
| and more.
LUMINET.ZIP 113271 10-14-93 LumiNet 1.5 (Patrick Todd, reg. fee: $55) is
| a collection of functions that can be used
| by C or Clipper developers to create
| documents WordPerfect 5.1 page layup, fonts
| and text formatting and which can be
| accessed from any C or Clipper program.
LZWC13.ZIP 36084 09-28-93 LZW Data Compression Library for C 1.3
| (MarshallSoft Computing, Inc., reg. fee:
| $38) is a data compression library for C
| programmers which uses the LZW algorithm as
| published in research papers by Lempel, Ziv,
| and Welch. Supports Borland Turbo C,
| Microsoft C, and MIX Power C.
LZWP13.ZIP 28917 09-28-93 LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal 1.3
| (MarshallSoft Computing, Inc., reg. fee:
| $38) is a data compression library for Turbo
| Pascal programmers which uses the LZW
| algorithm.
MATV.ZIP 19497 10-15-93 Matv 1.0 (Mark Von Tress, reg. fee: $5) is a
| simple matrix class. It includes IO, binary
| operations, inversion, unary operations, and
| several patterned matrices. It is small and
| portable.
MON2.ZIP 19286 10-04-93 Monitor (reg. fee: $0) is a function for
| QB4.5 and PDS 7.1 for determining the type
| of video in a system.
OBJENG.ZIP 140024 10-06-93 The Object Engine 2.0 (Dr. Mark Brittingham,
| reg. fee: $25) is a C++ class library that
| provides a significantly easier interface to
| the Paradox Engine functions. (Also see
| Paradox Class Libraries on PsL disk #2179.)
OMENU.ZIP 38581 10-14-93 Omenu 1.0 (John J. Faubion, reg. fee: $0) is
| a GUI dropdown menu system for Borland
| Pascal 7.0.
PARSE11.ZIP 8400 01-06-80 Parser 1.1 (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $15) is a
| recursive decent expression parser unit for
| Turbo Pascal. Parser supports 10 general
| purpose variables in formulas.
PASSWORD.ZIP 4269 10-21-93 Password (Anon., reg. fee: $0) is a simple
| class for entering passwords in TurboVision.
| Passwords can be stored to disk. New
| passwords can be defined.
PAUSE.ZIP 2120 10-15-93 Pause 1.0 (Bill Gatliff, reg. fee: $0) is a
| C routine to provide a delay that is safer
| to use than delay() when serial-port
| interrupts are possible.
PICTOR.ZIP 141573 10-06-93 Pictor Text Mode Video Library for C 1.01
| (SoftCircuits Programming, reg. fee: $52) is
| a video library for text-mode applications
| written in MSC 7.0 or Borland C 3.0. It
| features complete pulldown menu system,
| interrupt-driven serial communications
| routines and more.
119939 10-04-93 Proxy 1.12 (Burt Leavenworth, reg. fee: $25)
| is an interpreter which uses a syntax
| similar to C. It uses data structures such
| as sets, maps, sequences, and objects. You
| can make incremental changes and test them
| immediately.
PULL70B.ZIP 159291 10-12-93 Pull 7.0b (Eagle Performance Software, reg.
| fee: $19-29) is a set high performance
| pull-down menu utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0
QWIK71A.ZIP 90846 10-12-93 Qwik 7.1a (Eagle Performance Software, reg.
| fee: $25) is a high performance screen
| writing utility for TP4 programmers.
RMAST37.ZIP 97623 10-21-93 Raster Master 3.7 (Blueview Software, reg.
| fee: $24) lets you easily create graphics
| for your TP programs. NEW: demo programs for
| setting palette tables, autodesk animator
| CEL format, Windows BMP format, ability to
| add inverting to mouse images, API system
| for adding new file formats, support for 256
| colors, palette editor, and save options for
| saving the palette as source code and for
| creating mouse images.
RU03.ZIP 81627 10-21-93 Raster Utilities #3 (Blueview Software, reg.
| fee: $20) is a set of programming tools. It
| includes a screen clipping utility, a
| binary-to-source code converter, and a
| utility for converting PCX/BMP files to a
| format usable by putimage. You can build
| resource file and run scripts to create
| graphics.
SAVE.ZIP 3446 10-15-93 Save 1.0 (Sagner Software & Systems, reg.
| fee: $0) is a C++ class that will make
| updating program versions easier.
SCRLDLG.ZIP 6081 10-21-93 ScrollDialog (Patrick Reilly, reg. fee: $0)
| shows how to create a scrollable dialog.
SHOW16.ZIP 54937 10-04-93 Show16 (PC StartUps, reg. fee: $10-20) is a
| demo/advertisement for an object library
| that allows PDS programs to display
| 640x480x16 color PCX format images using
| SCREEN 12.
SHOW256.ZIP 45567 10-04-93 Show256 (PC StartUps, reg. fee: $10,20) is a
| demo/ad for a library for displaying
| 256-color PCX files in PDS programs.
SRTKIT11.ZIP 11469 10-21-93 SortKit 1.1 (Ron Loewy, reg. fee: $25) is a
| TP6 OOPS sort library that includes internal
| and external sorting.
SVGABG.ZIP 115712 10-06-93 SVGABG 1.0 (Jordan Hargrave, reg. fee:
| $20/each) is a set of video drivers for C or
| Pascal. They support a wide range of VGA
| cards, and should work on all major brands.
TVGR70.ZIP 281215 10-13-93 TVGraphic (Richard P Andresen, reg. fee: $0)
| is a port of Borland's text-based Turbo
| Vision to DOS graphics mode with
| extensions, enhancements and a pleasing
| graphic look. It runs using the Borland
| EGA/VGA graphics driver and requires Turbo
| Vision TPU's to compile programs. TVGraphic
| is supplied as TPU's in either TP6.0 or
| BP7.0 format.
UIOMANIP.ZIP 2858 10-14-93 User Defined Iostream Manipulator Templates
| 1.0 (Sam Edge, reg. fee: $0) contains C++
| source code that provides template classes
| to create iostream manipulators that take
| one or two arguments of any type. It also
| explains how to extend this to arbitrary
| numbers of arguments.
VCONTROL.ZIP 21704 10-14-93 VControl 1.0 (James Shaw, reg. fee: $0)
| allows programmers to backup revisions of
| code automatically. Also includes other
| small programs to simulate version control
| software.
WHICHC.ZIP 18655 10-04-93 WhichCPU 1.0 (reg. fee: $0) is an assembler
| routine for PDS 7.1 which tells you what
| type of CPU is in a machine.
WIZTOO.ZIP 105087 10-04-93 Object Coupling Wizards 1.0 (Rob Buck, reg.
| fee: $0) is a set of code generators which
| create central objects for coupling clients,
| servers, producers and consumers.
WLIB.ZIP 81847 10-07-93 C++ Wheaton Libraries (Paul Wheaton, reg.
| fee: $0) is a C++ library for developing
| faster, smaller programs in less time..
WNDW70.ZIP 133122 10-07-93 WNDW-Multi-level Virtual Windows 7.0c (Eagle
| Performance Software, reg. fee: $29) is a
| set of high performance windowing utilities
| for Turbo Pascal 5.0. >>>>>>>>> WNDW70.ZIP
| is missing.
WPARSE.ZIP 30023 10-04-93 Wheaton C\C++ Source Parser (Paul Wheaton,
| reg. fee: $25-50) is a .OBJ file parser for
| C programmers.
WW.ZIP 100618 10-07-93 Wheaton Windows 1.0 (Paul Wheaton, reg. fee:
| $0) is a clean user interface for text mode.
| It handles two video devices and includes
| about a dozen types of menus including menus
| for users to shift the order of their
| selections or to make selections
XLIB20.ZIP 59012 10-14-93 XLIB 2.0 (Dr. David Pyles, reg. fee: $45) is
| an assembly language library which can
| greatly simplify protected-mode programming.
| NEW: better interrupt management services,
| greater configurability and updated
| documentation.
DATAVU.ZIP 298264 09-30-93 DataVu 1.0 (Dimitrios Hatzipapafotiou, reg.
| fee: $35) is a programmable plotting
| program. It features multiple coordinate
| systems (x,y plots, polar, surface, contour,
| etc.), single or dual screens, linear, log,
| and modulo scales, multiple line and marker
| types, value reading, annotation, and
| exporting to PCX, IMG, TIFF, and WPG pixel
| files.
FV145.ZIP 9115 10-14-93 FV 1.45 (Vernon D. Buerg, reg. fee: $0) will
| display the names and attributes of files
| contained within archive files. NEW: added
| .ARJ file reading capability, updated to
| .ZIP 2.04g and added six more archive types.
MVS21D.ZIP 303144 09-27-93 MVSP 2.1d (Dr. Warren L. Kovach, reg. fee:
| $105) calculates principal components,
| principal coordinates,correspondence, and
| cluster analyses.
ONQUEUE.ZIP 50873 10-20-93 On Queue (Victor Elias, reg. fee: $20) is an
| introductory queueing analysis, simulation
| and animation program.On Queue takes
| user-supplied random variables, simulates
| and animates the activity, and provides a
| full post simulation report and optimization
| analysis. It also has word problem solving
| capability in its integrated queueing
| equation solver.
3DPIPE.ZIP 20523 09-30-93 3DPipe 1.0 (Wendel Stassen, reg. fee: $50)
| is an analysis of stress in a 3-dimensional
| pipe run caused by pressure and expansion.
DEMAND20.ZIP 224718 09-30-93 Demand 2.0 (Electric Designs Software, reg.
| fee: $39) produces professional, customized
| reports for the demand calculation on new or
| existing single dwellings according to the
| requirements of the 1993 National Electrical
| Code (NEC) NFPA 70.
HC6.ZIP 130889 10-13-93 Storm Water Management (Ron Eaglin, reg.
| fee: $55 each) is a set of programs for
| stormwater management.
TREN18.ZIP 407526 01-04-80 Trench 1.08s (Ken Mashburn, reg. fee: $65)
| allows you to estimate material, labor and
| production costs for multi-layed trenches.
4DRVU100.ZIP 32169 01-04-80 4_Drive Utilities 1.0 (Dustbowl Designs,
| Inc., reg. fee: $0) tells you the number of
| cylinders, heads and sectors on IDS drives.
ABATVIEW.ZIP 178432 10-14-93 A Batch View Utility Set 1.1 (Robin R.
| Latham, reg. fee: $15) lets you add color
| pop-up menus, message windows, screen
| clearing functions and more to batch files.
AVIEW40.ZIP 123792 10-14-93 The Norton Commander Archive Viewer 4.0
| (Chris Buijs, reg. fee: $0) is a utility to
| view, extract and manipulate ARC, ARJ, LZH,
| PAK, ZIP and ZOO files. NEW: increased
| number of files per archive and files in
| file-selector, more mouse control and
| updated documentation.
AVS123.ZIP 307300 10-14-93 AVScan 1.23 (Tjark Auerbach, reg. fee: $0)
| is a virus scanner.
BATKIT.ZIP 78459 10-14-93 BatKit 5.4 (Ken Hipple, reg. fee: $15)
| started out as a nice way to get a keypress
| from a user in a batch file.
BIGTEXT.ZIP 359372 09-27-93 Bigtext 2.4 (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $30)
| can turn text files of 700k or more into
| self-scrolling files which will fit on a
| 360k disk. Features include menus, fast text
| search, a text paint program and a TSR
| screen capture utility.
BOBCAT.ZIP 119635 10-07-93 BobCat 3.0 (William Cravener, reg. fee: $0)
| is a directory and file manager that
| performs over 40 different operations. It
| includes a file viewer, file searching, a
| screen blanker and more.
CDXF.ZIP 88663 01-05-80 CDXF 1.0 (Joseph V. Gagliano, reg. fee: $25)
| is a 2-dimensional Drawing Interchange File
| viewer. Requires VGA and a mouse.
CLEAN108.ZIP 258685 09-30-93 Clean-up ver. 1.08 (McAfee Associates, reg.
| fee: $15-35) is a virus scanning program.
CLEANL.ZIP 5342 10-05-93 Clean List 1.0 (Fernando Lacambra, reg. fee:
| $5) deletes duplicate lines from a sorted
| text file.
CLNUP.ZIP 11058 10-05-93 CleanUp 1.0 (Brian D. Catlin, reg. fee: $0)
| cleans up your hard drive by deleting any
| BAK, $$$, TMP, SYD or OLD files. Also
| deletes files with file length of zero.
CMFLR536.ZIP 168369 09-30-93 CM_Filer 5.36 (Charles F. Martin, ASP, reg.
| fee: $30) is a split-screen file manager
| with a full suite of file and dir services.
| NEW: a built-in diskette copier, floppy
| diskettes may now be formatted without
| leaving CMFiler, expanded support for laptop
| users, a new wipefile feature and more.
CODEC310.ZIP 83701 10-10-93 Codec3 1.0 (TELVOX TELEINFORMATICA, reg.
| fee: $0) is a very effective data compressor
| and data encryptor which is popular in
| Europe.
CRYPT8E.ZIP 40831 10-08-93 PC-Crypt 8.0 (James T. Demberger, reg. fee:
| $0) features encryption and decryption of
| disk files using the Vernam process combined
| with use of random or One-Time-Pad keyfiles.
DAILY1.ZIP 21498 10-14-93 Daily 1.0 (Don W. Thurston, reg. fee: $0)
| allows you to run selected programs on once
| per day on boot-up.
DCF43.ZIP 111689 10-13-93 Disk Copy Fast 4.3 (DCF Software, reg. fee:
| $25) is a one-pass disk duplicating utility.
DEXE482.ZIP 18435 01-04-80 Dexe 4.82 (Sunil Sebastian, reg. fee: $0) is
| a multi-color sorted directory lister.
DF351.ZIP 64911 09-30-93 DF Utility 3.51 (VitCom Int. Shareware
| Group, reg. fee: $20) is a menu-driven disk
| formatting utility.
DSKDP105.ZIP 12452 01-04-80 DiskDup 1.05 (Roger K. Snyder, reg. fee:
| $10) copies floppy disks using the hard
| drive for virtual memory. It eliminates the
| task of disk swapping and allows multiple
| copies to be made with a single pass.
DS_TEST.ZIP 52584 10-10-93 Double Check 1.0 (Blossom Software
| Corporation, reg. fee: $30) tests the
| fragmentation and stability of a compressed
| drive. It gives complete information about
| the status of a drive, warning of potential
| trouble before it happens. Other features
| include reporting how much disk space is
| really available, tells how much space is
| occupied by Sentry "deleted" files, helps
| you recover damaged files and more.
DUPE123.ZIP 36234 10-14-93 Dupe 1.23 (Best Technology, reg. fee: $16)
| allows you to copy disks faster and easier
| then with DOS's DISKCOPY.
EXEMAS.ZIP 48055 09-26-93 ExeMaster 4.1 (David Smith, reg. fee: $15)
| displays information about EXE and COM
| files, including archiver used, whether it
| is for DOS or Windows, whether it is a
| compiled batch file or self-displaying text
| file and more. NEW: supports LARC (LZS),
| NOLZEXE, Protect EXE/COM 1.1 and 2.0,
| CryptCOM, COMVert, COM-PAK, DOCMaker,
| TSRMaker, TxtMaker, Cop 1.0 & 1.4, Show
| v2.0, Breeze v5.2, ICE encrypted COM files,
| GIFEXE resolutions, BSA (Soviet archiver),
| PKARCK 3.5, TopSpeed C 3.0 Crunch, LH
| Archiver, LHA 2.10, PKLite version number,
| plus detection of extra compressed PKLites
| and advanced Breeze algorithms.
EZCODE30.ZIP 75294 01-05-80 EzCode 3.0 (Charles J. Hill, reg. fee: $30)
| is a compression/decompression shell. NEW:
| improved archive reading and more mouse
| control.
EZVIEW53.ZIP 55018 01-05-80 EZView 5.3 (Charles Hill, reg. fee: $20) is
| a file viewing utility.
FANTOM.ZIP 3881 10-11-93 Fantom Frequently Asked Questions 1.0 (Paul
| Reid, reg. fee: $0) explains why you can
| sometimes get an incorrect directory listing
| after changing floppies, and what to do
| about it.
FDFORM.ZIP 109000 09-28-93 FDFormat 1.8 (Christoph H. Hochstetter, reg.
| fee: $0) is a disk formatter with many
| features.
FED16.ZIP 46951 09-27-93 FED 1.6 (Geoffrey H. Gillmer, reg. fee: $0)
| is a text search-and-replace utility. Up to
| 100 edit commands can be entered in a
| command file to be executed in one pass.
FFF.ZIP 162205 10-01-93 File Finder Pack 4.4 (reg. fee: $25) will
| find files and directories on your hard disk
| and present them in a scrollable list.
| (Formerly a small program.)
FS111.ZIP 164659 09-29-93 File Selector 1.11 (Tomohumi Kodama, reg.
| fee: $35) is a file/directory manager and
| DOS menu program.
FSR.ZIP 9378 10-01-93 File Search and Replace 1.0 (Todd Osborne,
| reg. fee: $0) is a routine that will scan a
| DOS file searching and replacing matching
| text strings.
FVW22.ZIP 37399 10-06-93 Fview 2.2 (Chris Gordon, reg. fee: $0) is a
| text file viewer. NEW: horizontal and
| vertical scroll bars.
GLEDT.ZIP 46507 10-06-93 Global File Editor 2.7 (Gary C. Crider, reg.
| fee: $16) lets you globally search and
| replace a string of characters in all
| selected files.
HD29.ZIP 31977 10-14-93 Handy Directory 2.9 (James M Walters, reg.
| fee: $5) is a color-coded sorted directory
| utility. NEW: improved edit command.
HIDIR.ZIP 30159 10-08-93 HiDir 1.26 (Samuel Kaplin, reg. fee: $6)
| makes directories invisible to normal DIR
| commands (but not to common sorted directory
| utilities and file managers).
JFF.ZIP 37357 09-28-93 Jason's File Finder 2.0d (RMH Computer
| Services, reg. fee: $10) fast, and
| easy-to-use DOS file finder.
JOB100.ZIP 16633 10-04-93 Jobber 1.0 (Oliver R.Bell, reg. fee: $?)
| performs several different functions:
| executes batch files at specified times or
| given the presence of a specified file on
| disk; creates an audit trail of files
| passing through a directory; and prunes
| shared directories down to a specified size.
JSDDUP32.ZIP 30311 10-13-93 JSDDuper 3.2 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg.
| fee: $13) will read a data file and make a
| new file without any duplicate records on it.
JSEDIT11.ZIP 129454 10-13-93 JSEdit 1.1 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee:
| $25) is a ASCII/HEX file editor.
JSFILD22.ZIP 36073 10-13-93 JSField 2.2 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee:
| $18) aids in the process of extracting and
| formatting data.
JSPICK.ZIP 32584 10-13-93 JSPick 2.2 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee:
| $18) checks ASCII files, such as those
| exported from mailing list programs, for
| duplicate entries.
JSREC.ZIP 52575 10-13-93 JSRec 2.1 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee:
| $15) attempts to tell you what software
| created a specified file.
JSRPRT11.ZIP 105114 10-13-93 JSReport 1.1 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg.
| fee: $25) lets you extract data from files
| and format the data into reports.
JSTAKE11.ZIP 40804 10-13-93 JSTake 1.1 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee:
| $8) will make a new output file from a
| larger file with only the number of records
| you pick
JS_FCOPY.ZIP 32030 10-13-93 JS-FCopy 1.0 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg.
| fee: $18) simplifies the task of finding and
| making copies of files. JS-FCopy will search
| for files by extension or file name on one
| or more drives and copy them to a specified
| destination.
JS_FDEL.ZIP 29913 10-13-93 JS-FDel 1.0 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee:
| $18) simplifies the task of finding and
| deleting files. JS-FDEL can search for files
| by extension or file name on one or more
| drives at a time and delete them with or
| without prompting you for each file.
KWKMNU.ZIP 125774 10-18-93 KwikMenu 3.0/A (John F. Cram, reg. fee: $10)
| helps you easily create menu listings and
| batch files.
LACCES.ZIP 40241 10-14-93 Last Access Directory 1.0 (Patri-Soft, reg.
| fee: $23) is a TSR which keeps track of the
| files that are accessed on a system.
LGUIDE1.ZIP 65289 10-04-93 LHA Command Line Referance Guide 1.0
| (Frostbyte Software, reg. fee: $8) is a
| tutorial and quick reference guide for the
| beginner user of the LHA Archiving Utility.
| Displays examples for all the LHA commands.
| Shows you how to make, delete, add to, view,
| print, update LHA archives, how to make your
| archives self-extracting and more. Includes
| LHA version 2.13. Requires CGA Monitor or
| better.
MSG.ZIP 47970 10-20-93 Message 2.0 (Patrick R. Rygiel, reg. fee:
| $15) adds sound, messages, and a graphic
| screen saver to batch files.
NSHLD.ZIP 150106 09-28-93 Net Shield 1.5 (McAfee Associates, Inc. 3350
| Scott Boulevard, Building 14 Santa Clara,
| California 95054-3107, reg. fee: $25) is the
| network part of McAfee's anti-virus
| utilities.
NUMLINES.ZIP 8228 10-11-93 NumLines 1.0 (SoftCircuits Programming, reg.
| fee: $0) counts the number of lines in text
| files.
PAR.ZIP 119407 10-13-93 Parse-O-Matic 2.33 (Pinnacle Software, reg.
| fee: $25) is a programmable text-file
| parsing utility.
PCV46.ZIP 227982 10-15-93 PC-Vault 4.6 (Johnson Computer Systems,
| Inc., reg. fee: $35) asks for a user name
| and/or password when you boot your computer.
PCVPLS46.ZIP 247391 10-15-93 PC-Vault Plus 4.6 (Johnson Computer Systems,
| Inc., reg. fee: $95) is a hard disk
| protection program.
PE402.ZIP 321130 10-12-93 pE - The "perfect" Editor 4.02 (John
| Salidis, reg. fee: $42) is a text editor
| with over 160 functions.
PSEDT.ZIP 82293 10-06-93 PSEdit 3.5 (Gary C. Crider, reg. fee: $24)
| is a full screen editor for binary/hex or
| text files.
PURGEDIR.ZIP 39219 01-04-80 PurgeDir 1.0 (Strategy Software, reg. fee:
| $10) removes directories, subdirectories and
| files.
QFORMAT.ZIP 1695 10-15-93 FMT 1.0 (Scott Huish, reg. fee: $1) is a set
| of batch files which aid in the formatting
| of disks.
QICBAT.ZIP 261879 10-11-93 Qic-Bat for CMS 1.1 (Douglas R. East, reg.
| fee: $20) is a batch file generator for CMS
| tape backup units. It's an easy way to
| launch your backups. Features include
| multi-drive backups, tag file generator,
| mouse support, scheduler support, group
| drive, batch file verification reports and
| more.
RFFSRT23.ZIP 15140 03-05-92 Ron's Flexible Fast Sort 2.3 (Ron Loewy,
| reg. fee: $20) is a sort utility for files
| with fixed sized records and text files. It
| allows the user to sort the files using up
| to 10 sort fields in ascending or descending
| order.
RM.ZIP 14799 10-15-93 RM 3.0 (Richard Cochran, reg. fee: $0) is a
| Unix-like command to remove one or more
| files or directories.
SEAR.ZIP 17229 10-14-93 Sear 1.0 (Christopher T Skinner, reg. fee:
| $0) looks for a string in a file or files.
SHEZ.ZIP 250825 10-08-93 SHEZ 9.4 (James Derr, reg. fee: $39) is a
| shell program to make viewing and working
| with archive files user friendly. NEW:
| printing to HPLaserJets in landscape
| compressed mode shading every other line.
SRLK27.ZIP 114671 09-24-93 Sherlock 2.7 (Gulf Sierra, reg. fee: $25)
| compares two ASCII (text) files line by line.
STLTH21.ZIP 63421 10-12-93 Stealth 2.1 (David Smith, reg. fee: $15) is
| an archive converter. It converts all
| compressed files to any other format. It
| supports ARJ, ARC, LHA, HAP, SQZ, DWC, PAK,
| ZIP 1.1 and 2.0, ICE, LHARC, LARC, HYPER,
| SDN, and ZOO. It also updates PKZip 1.1 and
| 2.0 normal files to 2.0.
TRON.ZIP 21545 10-04-93 Tron 1.06 (Michael Bauder, reg. fee: $20DM)
| is a decompressor for files packed by such
| archivers as PKLITE, DIET, LZEXE, TINY,
TSUTIL.ZIP 154294 09-28-93 TSUtil 1.2 (George Tihenea, reg. fee: $25)
| lets you create partitions or format
| existing partitions on your hard drive.
| Cluster size is selectable.
ULTRA.ZIP 46881 09-24-93 Ultra ToolBox 6.0 (David Smith, reg. fee:
| $10) contains 200+ functions, primarily for
| use in batch files.
VGACOPY.ZIP 185563 09-21-93 VGA-Copy-Pro 5.2 (Thomas Moenkemeier, reg.
| fee: $45) is a fast one-pass disk copier and
| formatter for up to 2.88MB floppies,
| including special formats like 1.74MB.
| Requires EGA/VGA and mouse.
VIREX.ZIP 161638 10-15-93 Virex 2.9 (Datawatch Corporation, reg. fee:
| $50) is a virus detector. It protects you
| from all viruses, known and unknown. It
| features scanning, integrity checking, and
| disinfection.
VSHLD.ZIP 154855 10-04-93 VShield 5.53v108 (McAfee Associates, reg.
| fee: $18) is part of the McAfee anti-virus
| package.
ZC300.ZIP 93387 09-17-93 Zip Chunker 3.0 (Scott Johnson, reg. fee:
| $0) will split a large ZIP file into smaller
| ZIP files of a user-specified size. NEW:
| OS/2 2.x version.
ZCP300.ZIP 104325 09-17-93 Zip Chunker Pro 3.0 (Scott Johnson, reg.
| fee: $25) is a file splitting utility for
| DOS and OS/2. It supports ARC, ARJ, HYP,
| LZH, and ZIP files. The program splits to a
| size to fit a specific floppy format or a
| user specified size. Files except archives
| can be rejoined. Archives can be split so
| that they will extract to fit on a specific
| floppy size.
ZDIFF1.ZIP 50677 10-04-93 ZDiff 1.3 (Christophe Dubourg, reg. fee:
| $20) is an archive/directory comparison
| program. NEW: more control over comparison
| parameters.
ZIP20X.ZIP 176851 10-04-93 Zip20x 1.0 (The Info-Zip Group, reg. fee:
| $0) a file compressor which creates ZIP
| files compatible with PKZIP 2.0.
ANSIPLUS.ZIP 295741 09-29-93 ANSIPLUS 3.01 (Kristofer Sweger, reg. fee:
| $25-39) is an ANSI driver which provides
| full color control, screen saver, scrollable
| screen, ANSI support, a key buffer,
| utilities, configuration menu, and more.
CAL20.ZIP 18880 09-30-93 Cal 2.0 (Paul Wienckowski, reg. fee: $0) is
| a command line floating point calculator.
CMENUV4.ZIP 355129 01-07-80 C-Menu 4.0 (Mark J. Finocchio, reg. fee:
| $29) is a DOS menu program. Features include
| a screen blanker, password protection, zero
| memory usage when other programs run, and
| more.
COMPRT.ZIP 30050 10-05-93 ComPort 2.5 (Open Systems Resources, Inc.,
| reg. fee: $15) allows users to manipulate
| and display COM and LPT Port Info.
CONDOR40.ZIP 183995 01-07-80 Condor 4.0 (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $15) is
| an ANSI.SYS replacement.
CONDOR41.ZIP 39964 01-07-80 Condor 4.1 (Larry Mears, reg. fee: $15)
| controls escape sequences for use with the
| ansi graphics program, Condor 4.0. This is
| for online services that filter out the
| escape character, thus allowing you to place
| your graphics created by Condor on BBS
| systems.
CPUTEST.ZIP 43358 10-14-93 CPUTest (Tony Doimeadios, reg. fee: $0)
| measures memory moves, register-to-register
| operations and finally memory location to
| register operations.
DFROG.ZIP 357795 09-30-93 Desert Frog Screen Scenes 3.2 (William P.
| Mann, reg. fee: $15) are TSR (15k) screen
| blankers/savers with a twist.
DSTIME.ZIP 15134 10-01-93 DSTime 1.0 (Nathan Alan King, reg. fee: $8)
| automatically adjusts your system's time for
| Daylight Savings Time changes.
DYMENU.ZIP 251134 10-05-93 Dynamic Menu System 1.0 (Modern Solutions
| Corporation, reg. fee: $28) is a menu system
| that allows up to 676 entries. It includes a
| programmer's editor, graphics screen saver,
| and much more.
EAGLE.ZIP 14684 10-11-93 Eagle Utilities 1.0 (SoftCircuits
| Programming, reg. fee: $22) is a set of
| utilities to set screen colors, clear the
| screen, display information found in the
| BIOS parameter block in the boot sector of a
| disk, run a disk drive for cleaning
| diskettes, turn the keyboard NumLock off,
| set the number of text rows on EGA/VGA
| monitors, reset various parameters on VGA
| displays, view text files, report and
| optionally set the video mode and video
| page, create batch files to ask a question
| and act according to the response given plus
| more.
EDDY7E.ZIP 237726 10-01-93 Eddy 7e (John Scofield, reg. fee: $20) is a
| full-screen directory editor and general
| purpose disk utility.
EPM40.ZIP 78950 10-01-93 ezPopMaker 4.0 (Ernest R. Hunter, reg. fee:
| $28) is a TSR that allows you to create
| other TSR pop-up menu programs without
| programming.
EZVIDEO.ZIP 55048 10-20-93 EZVideo 1.1 (Eric Jarrett, reg. fee: $8) is
| a data-tracking program for your video
| collection.
FRACTION.ZIP 27323 10-11-93 Fraction 1.0 (M. Cooper, reg. fee: $0) is a
| command line driven calculator. It can
| handle fractions, mixed numbers, decimals,
| or combinations of these.
FREEB.ZIP 5161 10-05-93 HDM461.ZIP
386759 10-12-93 HDM IV 4.61 (Jim Hass, reg. fee: $39-54) is
| an excellent, flexible DOS menu shell.
IFON21.ZIP 43597 10-11-93 IfOnScrn 2.1 (Gary S. Tessler, reg. fee:
| $19) is a TSR which watches the screen for
| any of three different text strings to
| appear, at which point it can pass specified
| keystrokes to the underlying application,
| display a text windows, or sound an alert
| signal.
IFWT11.ZIP 30020 10-11-93 IfWait 1.1 (Gary S. Tessler, reg. fee: $19)
| controls a speaker or parallel port device
| such as the TNT IFBUZZ buzzer to allow
| sending audible feedback to users.
INMNT21G.ZIP 454936 10-12-93 INIMaint 2.1k (Carry Associates, reg. fee:
| $30) makes it easy to display and manage INI
| files.
ITB.ZIP 12102 10-04-93 In The Beginning 1.3 (JFH Soft Systems, reg.
| fee: $35) records and plays back key strokes
| used to start programs.
KBSET.ZIP 24187 09-17-93 KBSet 1.0 (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $0)
| allows you to set the keyboard toggles, such
| as the Numlock or Caps lock key, to a
| desired state under DOS or OS/2 2.x.
KEYCOUNT.ZIP 18569 10-06-93 KeyCount 2.1 (Rob Cosgrove, reg. fee: $49)
| is a TSR which keeps a running count of
| keystrokes entered and periodically logs the
| result with dat, and time into a file, one
| file per workstation. KeyCount can be used
| to track the work of stenographers, typists,
| and data entry people in a network or on
| stand-alone PC's.
LBB2_120.ZIP 146059 09-30-93 Little Black Book/2 1.20 (James E. Johnson
| Jr., reg. fee: $10) is a personal
| information manager for OS/2 2.0 PM. NEW:
| Formerly small program. Adds exporting to
| both comma-delimited files and in columns,
| dialing initialization and prefix strings,
| several new print options, 2-line street
| addresses, work phone number extensions,
| email addresses, ability to print index
| cards, and the address book can now be
| printed on paper.
MCLIP22.ZIP 48815 10-21-93 MegaClip 2.2 (Blueview Software, reg. fee:
| $20) can load, clip and save PCX, BMP, and
| RIP in any of the formats. Requires a mouse
| and EGA/VGA.
MEM100.ZIP 15564 09-17-93 Mem 1.0 (Scott Johnson, reg. fee: $0)
| displays memory statistics for OS/2 2.x.
MENU101.ZIP 131610 09-29-93 Menu Program 1.01 (Tomohumi Kodama, reg.
| fee: $25) is a program menu shell that will
| allow you to execute any DOS or Windows
| program with a few keystrokes or with a
| mouse.
PCCLK300.ZIP 83519 09-27-93 PCClock 3.00c (Michael J. Sadaway, reg. fee:
| $20) is a digital alarm clock that displays
| the date and time in big characters and will
| optionally set your system's time and date
| automatically by calling the National
| Institute of Standards and Technology.
PCOPY93.ZIP 124953 10-14-93 Patriquin's Hard Disk Utilities (Norm
| Patriquin, reg. fee: $45/set) This is an
| update to PCopy 9.3, which is one of several
| utilities in this set.
RAMDESK.ZIP 203105 10-08-93 RamDesk 2.4 (Richard A. Kelly, reg. fee:
| $50) a 7k+ pop-up schedular/alarm,
| work/expense log, address/phone directory,
| infobase, and calculator.
SCSV.ZIP 121676 10-04-93 Screen Saver 5.14 (Tom Donnelly, reg. fee:
| $23) blanks the screen on demand or after a
| specified period of system inactivity.
SEE.ZIP 123804 09-24-93 See 3.0 (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee: $0)
| lets you view or print text files.
SIO115.ZIP 64360 10-06-93 SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS 1.10 (Raymond L. Gwinn,
| reg. fee: $28,48) are OS/2 device drivers.
| SIO.SYS provides an interface between
| application programs and the serial
| communications hardware. VSIO.SYS is a
| Virtual Device Driver that provides services
| for DOS programs executing under OS/2.
SOLV11.ZIP 27426 10-04-93 Solve 1.1 (C. Kenneth Curtis, reg. fee: $0)
| is a DOS command line mathematical
| expression solver for engineers and
| scientists. Expressions like 2.15 + 6 *
| sin(pi / 2) are evaluated and the result
| displayed. SOLVE contains many built in
| functions including decimal-hexadecimal
| conversions..
SP.ZIP 250364 09-24-93 SmartPhone 1.32 (Timothy Campbell, reg. fee:
| $17) is a database of information that can
| prove useful when making telephone calls.
SPEEDUP1.ZIP 22591 09-27-93 SPEEDUP! 1.0 (Nicola Baattista, reg. fee:
| $3) allows you to speed up and slow down
| programs by controlling the speed with which
| they write to the screen. For example, on a
| 286 directory listings will flash up on the
| screen, or on a 386, you could slow down
| (some) games.
TMAGIC10.ZIP 329591 09-27-93 Text Magic 1.0 (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $0)
| is a TSR that captures text screen images
| from other programs. Full color images can
| then be viewed and edited with the program
| "Text Paint" (by the same author). Text
| Magic can capture screens in ansi format and
| plain ascii format.
TNT34.ZIP 472125 10-15-93 Tessler's Nifty Tools 3.4 (Tessler, reg.
| fee: $19 ea.) is a collection of over 25
| useful programs that control printers,
| modems, screen output, prompts, ports,
| floppy drives, sound cards and more.
TOOLS.ZIP 68251 10-15-93 DOS Tools and Automation 1.0 (Dan Bosworth,
| reg. fee: $8) is a colorful menu for
| performing many of DOS' more popular
| commands such as copying, formatting,
| diskcopy, and more.
TPSHW.ZIP 39854 10-15-93 Time-Pro 1.0 (Promedia Concepts, reg. fee:
| $18) allows unattended operation of almost
| any type of DOS program by scheduling
| routines to be performed at a pre-specified
| date and time.
UCALC18.ZIP 61158 10-11-93 Ultimate Calculator 1.8 (Daniel Corbier,
| reg. fee: $25) is an 18-digit scientific
| calculator. NEW: user functions now accept
| multiple parameters, and output can be sent
| to the printer.
VMIX.ZIP 253905 10-13-93 VMiX 386 2.90 (Anthony J. Borras, reg. fee:
| $59) is a multi-tasking system for advanced
| users. NEW: support for COM3 and COM4 at
| baud rates above 9600, support for network
| or communications drivers that use IRQ7.
WEDGE20.ZIP 16651 10-07-93 Wedge 2.0 (Rob Cosgrove, reg. fee: $49) is a
| TSR which intercepts characters at the
| serial port, and redirects them to the
| keyboard buffer. You can use WEDGE to have
| serial barcode scanners send data to
| applications without specifically
| programming your app for a scanner.
AURORA.ZIP 400711 10-22-93 The Aurora Editor 1.1 (Aurora Terra, reg.
| fee: $49) is a text editor with mouse
| support, object oriented macro language,
| user definable menus, binary editing, file
| scan, bookmarks and more. (400k)
BREEZE52.ZIP 349643 09-27-93 Breeze 5.2 (Kevin Solway, reg. fee: $40) is
| an easy to use word processor with many
| interesting features.
DPS.ZIP 87025 10-15-93 DPS- Document Processing System 1.0 (Phillip
| H. Sherrod, reg. fee: $25) formats text
| files for printing. It can cross-reference
| specified text and automatically fill in
| section and page numbers and make an index.
PRO21.ZIP 518132 10-12-93 Galaxy Pro-Lite 2.1 (Gordon J. Wanner, reg.
| fee: $50) is a fast, easy-to-use word
| processor. NEW: mouse support has been added
| for directory listing, now uses extended
| memory and accepts keyboard translation for
| printing special characters.
UEDIT20.ZIP 86712 10-20-93 The Ultimate Editor 1.5 (Patrick R. Rygiel,
| reg. fee: $30) is a full screen editor. It
| includes a DOS Shell and full file directory
| listings. It also runs batch files, compiles
| source code from inside the editor, and
| links your compiled programs.
ZZEDIT.ZIP 11304 10-04-93 ZZ Edit 1.0 (Scott McPherson, reg. fee: $0)
| is a small, simple editor for use on a
| floppy-based laptop. It can be used to edit
| batch files, memos, notes, etc.
CROATIAN.ZIP 308471 10-15-93 Word Translator Croatian Edition 3.52 (N.
| Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up
| English-Croatian-English translator and
| dictionary. It features bilingual spell
| checking, grammar help, word-by-word
| document translation inside your text based
| word processor. Requires a hard drive with
| at least 3.5 MB of free space.
DANISH.ZIP 248732 10-15-93 Word Translator Danish Edition 3.52 (N.
| Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up
| English-Danish-English translator and
| dictionary.
DOCL10.ZIP 12225 10-11-93 Document Cleaner 1.0 (David Leithauser,
| reg. fee: $5) converts word processor files
| into ASCII files by converting Tab
| characters into spades, stripping out
| non-text control character, adding hard
| carriage returns, and adding margins.
DRFORM30.ZIP 357565 10-02-93 Dr. Form 3.0 (Russ Irwin, reg. fee: $43)
| creates professional quality forms. It
| generates forms with up to 63 rows by 136
| columns. Features include mouse support,
| automatic grid maker, line drawing, manual
| and automatic time and date stamp, label
| printing, and the ability to create master
| forms and fill them in, print on pre-printed
| forms, and create templates. Requires 512K.
GERMN_NK.ZIP 290443 10-15-93 Word Translator German Edition 3.52 (N.
| Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up
| English-German-English translator and
| dictionary.
PC_PRO.ZIP 430131 09-24-93 PC-Proof 2.0 (Intellect Systems, reg. fee:
| $40) is a grammar checker which can detect
| dropped words. >>>>>zip file is missing.
PORTU.ZIP 142957 10-15-93 Word Translator Portuguese Edition 3.52 (N.
| Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up
| English-Portuguese-English translator and
| dictionary.
RUSSIAN.ZIP 384611 10-15-93 Word Translator Russian Edition 3.52 (N.
| Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up
| English-Russian-English translator and
| dictionary.
SLEEK.ZIP 11801 10-14-93 Sleek 4.0 (Lambert Klein, reg. fee: $14)
| reformats text files to change the length of
| or remove word wrapped lines. NEW: will
| remove all leading spaces.
SPANISH.ZIP 204409 10-15-93 Word Translator Spanish Edition 3.52 (N.
| Koncar, reg. fee: $69) is a pop-up
| English-Spanish-English translator and
| dictionary.
TYPEEN50.ZIP 86759 10-15-93 Typemate 5.0 (Martijn Y. de Deugd, reg. fee:
| $25+) is a typing tutor for the English,
| French and Dutch languages.
WRDCOUNT.ZIP 21217 10-07-93 Word Counter 2.01A (Raymond Rodgers, reg.
| fee: $0) counts the number of words in a
| text file.
AMO292.ZIP 179924 10-06-93 Master Amortizer 2.92 (Don Norman, reg. fee:
| $30) is an amortization program for Windows
| with a number of useful functions. It can
| calculate payments, create a comparative
| table of payments, and produce a variable
| amortization schedule with any start date
| and any year end.
AM_21D.ZIP 355853 09-02-93 Address Manager 2.1d (Wilson WindoWare,
| Inc., reg. fee: $40) helps you track
| address, phone numbers, comments, and
| important dates.
BDRAWER.ZIP 380157 10-21-93 The Bill Drawer 2.11 (MelissaSoft Systems,
| reg. fee: $15-30) helps you organize and pay
| your bills in a timely manner. NEW: handles
| detail tracking of credit cards with full
| reconciliation features, additional options
| for splitting income and expense amounts to
| different budget categories, and more.
| Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD
| only.
BFILE1A.ZIP 343269 08-09-93 buttonFile 1.0 (ButtonWare, reg. fee: $77)
| (formerly TakeNote) is a powerful personal
| database for Windows. It can store names,
| addresses and multiple phone numbers on
| pre-defined cards; manage and maintain
| multiple address files; auto-dial any phone
| number and create a list of frequently-used
| speed dial numbers; print mailing labels,
| various reports, and 3x5 cards. Other
| features include advanced search
| capabilities including "sounds-like"
| searches, import/export to Windows
| Cardfile, ASCII CSV, dBase and WordPerfect,
| and much more. This is available on five
| 360K disks or two 3.5" 1.44mb disks for the
| special disk fee of $9.99.
BFILE1B.ZIP 347127 08-09-93 See BFILE1A.ZIP
BFILE1C.ZIP 347162 08-09-93 See BFILE1A.ZIP
BFILE1D.ZIP 347162 08-09-93 See BFILE1A.ZIP
BFILE1E.ZIP 333487 08-09-93 See BFILE1A.ZIP
CDMASTER.ZIP 819254 10-22-93 CDMaster for Windows 2.01 (Unicorn Software
| Limited , reg. fee: $30.) is a Windows
| version of the popular CD catalogging system
| for DOS. It features compatibility with the
| DOS version and a host of useful features
| for the novice collector or ardent
| audiofile. Features include user-defined
| fields and pick lists, no limit to the
| number of songs per CD, a user-defined
| pull-down category list, sophisticated
| printing options, and much more. This is
| available on 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only.
COLWIN2.ZIP 132447 08-22-93 Collect! for Windows 2.0 (Gary Alston, reg.
| fee: $25.00) is a powerful program for
| managing any sort of collection. Requires
| VGA and a mouse.
GT_WIN.ZIP 371854 10-21-93 Guitar Teacher for Windows 1.5 (Celista
| Software, reg. fee: $17-25) is a system for
| displaying guitar-chord diagrams. Features
| include five chord formulas (major, major 7,
| minor, minor 7, 7), four alternatives for
| each chord, formula and voicing displays,
| right- or left-handed fingering, a guitar
| tuner, and more. Requires WIN31, VGA, and a
| mouse. VBRUN200 is required.
IPWIN.ZIP 213722 10-21-93 InfoPop for Windows 1.11 (Clyde W.
| Grotophorst, reg. fee: $0) is a Windows 3.1
| help file that provides a hypertext guide to
| the Internet, BBS systems, Compuserve and
| much more. This information is useful to
| both the Internet novice as well as
| experienced users.
MDW.ZIP 130140 10-20-93 Mortgage Designer for Windows 2.03 (MaeDae
| Enterprises, reg. fee: $44) performs fast
| and easy mortgage calculations. NEW: better
| performance, and a more logical layout.
MILPAY.ZIP 487496 10-14-93 Military Pay Calculator 2.0a (Ralph Sabene,
| reg. fee: $5) calculates military retirement
| income and active duty pay. It can also
| calculate federal income tax, social
| security (FICA) taxes, BAQ, BAS, VHA, etc.
| The new DOD early retirement option is
| addressed, and there is an option to update
| the paytable and taxtable as they change.
| Requires VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb
| MegaDisk and CD only.
MTGPLUS.ZIP 741098 10-22-93 Mortgage Plus & Mortgage Tracker 1.0b
| (Michael J. Peters, reg. fee: $43.00) is a
| detailed mortgage analysis package
| including itemized closing cost details,
| fixed or ARM, monthly or bi-weekly. It also
| provides pre-qualification analysis, and the
| most detailed refinance analysis on the
| market. Mortgage Tracker keeps you in touch
| with your mortgage payments, gives you an
| analysis of making extra payments, and much
| more. Requires WIN31. (1.44mb)
NODES1.ZIP 61673 10-07-93 The CIS Node Locator 1.0 (Andy Abercrombie,
| reg. fee: $0) will find a location when you
| enter a CIS node and press the Find Button.
| It should be helpful during a conference to
| find out where the others are calling from
| without having to ask.
NSPREG.ZIP 613517 10-14-93 Nutrisoft Pregnancy Nutritition for Windows
| 2.1 (NutriSoft, reg. fee: $39) is a valuable
| tool for expectant parents who want to
| improve the health of their unborn child. It
| contains a database of common foods, and
| allows you to track their nutritional
| content. This program is based on the latest
| findings of the National Academy of
| Pediatrics, the National Academy of Sciences
| and on the U.S. Surgeon General's report on
| maternal and child nutrition. Requires
| VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk
| and CD only.
NTW15.ZIP 923562 10-25-93 New Testament for Windows 1.5 (Craig
| Mortensen, reg. fee: $17) features the
| complete King James text of the New
| Testament in an intuitive, easy-to-use
| graphical user interface. It includes
| hypertext and text search capabilities,
| color reference maps, timelines, tutorials
| and study-aids. This is ideal for Bible
| students and others seeking to learn more
| about the New Testament. VBRUN300 is
| included. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb
| MegaDisk and CD only.
PARAMIND.ZIP 952548 01-05-80 Paramind 1.3 (Robert Pearson, reg. fee: $50)
| is an interesting brainstorming program for
| Windows. You simply type an idea into the
| familiar word processor-like interface, and
| the program can produce a list of hundreds
| of related ideas. Now available on 3.5"
| 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only.
PARENTS.ZIP 89629 10-14-93 Parents 3.06 (NickleWare, reg. fee: $25) is
| a genealogy program for Windows 3.1. NEW:
| GEDCOM import/export, font selection for
| reports, family group sheet report, improved
| search capabilities, and more.
RETIREA.ZIP 179701 10-12-93 RetireA for Windows 1.1 (Tom McGrath, reg.
| fee: $15) is a powerful retirement planning
| tool for Windows 3.1.
SEEDMSTW.ZIP 307732 10-22-93 SeedMaster for Windows 2.3 (Scott Musser,
| reg. fee: $40) is a complete Bible study and
| concordance program for Windows 3.1. It
| allows you to create multiple Bible text
| windows, with up to 10 Commentary and/or
| Topics windows, and a Lexicon window. An
| indexed concordance searches quickly for
| Bible words and phrases. Searches can be
| stored to disk and combined using AND, OR,
| XOR and NOT logic. Search Statistics gives a
| book by book summary of number of hits and
| percentages. This is fully compatible with
| the DOS version which is available on disk
| #27137.
TIMELOG.ZIP 88731 10-21-93 Time Log 1.5 (Timothy J. Denihan, reg. fee:
| $17) allows you to log, total, and print
| dates and amount of time spent on any number
| of projects. Requires VBRUN300.
WFUND32.ZIP 239548 10-18-93 FundExpert for Windows 3.2 (George R.
| Cotten, reg. fee: $40) is a portfolio
| manager program for investors in stocks,
| bonds, and mutual funds. It maintains a
| record of all transactions, calculates
| actual return on investments and yield to
| maturity of bonds, prepares tabulations for
| IRS Schedule D, and much more. It also
| facilitates telephone communication with
| many mutual funds (for quotes and account
| information,) and permits placing of
| telephoned orders with Fidelity Brokerage.
| Requires Windows 3.1
WINFN32A.ZIP 347789 09-28-93 Financial Analysis for Windows 3.2 (Gjetaas,
| Inc, reg. fee: $44.) is a collection of
| financial analysis programs for Windows.
| NEW: a total of 18 analysis modules, support
| for international date and currency formats,
| allows for "short and long" first payment
| periods in loan amortization schedules, and
| more. Now on two disks.
WINFN32B.ZIP 331311 09-28-93 See WINFN32A.ZIP
WINSTORM.ZIP 148302 10-20-93 WinStorm 2.0 (Ingramation, reg. fee: $25) is
| a storm tracking program for Windows. NEW:
| printing capabilities, the ability to screen
| historical storms by geographic region, an
| editable list of warning cities, and more.
| Available on 3.5" 1.44mb Megadisk and CD
| only.
ALM31.ZIP 295277 10-21-93 Almanac for Windows 3.1 (Impact Software,
| reg. fee: $52-84) is a powerful calendar and
| information utility for Windows 3.1. NEW:
| new sizes of day binder printouts added, a
| Phonebook tool has been added that tracks
| phone numbers/addresses and dials numbers
| using a Hayes compatible modem, more
| accurate sunrise/sunset calculations,
| individual notes may be printed, language
| customization, and much more. Now available
| on a single 360K disk. Almanac 3.1 for
| Windows NT [ALNT31] is available on disk
| #xxxxx.
AUTOSV.ZIP 128721 10-06-93 AutoSavit! 2.0 (Alessandro Gatti, reg. fee:
| $10) automatically saves your files and
| subdirectories to a network server. Now
| requires VBRUN300.
CHARTIST.ZIP 172578 10-21-93 Chartist 1.05 (NOVAGRAPH, reg. fee: $82) is
| a comprehensive flow charting and
| organization charting package for Windows
| 3.1.
FILEBOX.ZIP 56254 10-07-93 FileBox (L. E. Brown, reg. fee: $20) is a
| file management package for Word for
| Windows. It allows you to organize your
| documents using a simple metaphor of Folders
| and Files. Each folder can have an unlimited
| number of files, and each folder and file
| can have longer detailed descriptions to
| help you remember their contents. Items can
| be easily opened by browsing lists and
| clicking on descriptions.
KWCAST.ZIP 11387 10-14-93 KWCast (Karl Weller, reg. fee: $29) is a
| network broadcast utility for Windows and
| DOS. It allows you to send a message to all
| stations.
MAILWTC.ZIP 52313 10-14-93 MailWatcher 3.0 (DLW Consulting, Inc., reg.
| fee: $10) notifies users of Microsoft Mail
| that they have mail even after MSMail is
| unloaded. Requires VBRUN300.
MEGAWORD.ZIP 234559 10-14-93 MegaWord (Romke Soldaat, reg. fee: $54.) is
| a collection of tools for Word for Windows.
| It contains, editing, formatting, viewing
| tools, date and time tools, plus 200+
| subroutines for WinWord programmers.
MOMATH1.ZIP 84849 10-12-93 Money Math 1.1 (Lovell's, reg. fee: $26.)
| provides financial analysis tools capable of
| calculating Annuities, Bank Discount, Bonds,
| CD's, Compound Interest, Discounted Cash
| Flow, Loan Amortization, and Simple Interest
| in ten different dialog boxes. Overall, more
| than forty-five different unknown variables
| can be calculated. Extensive Windows help is
| available for each calculation dialog box
| including twelve detailed examples.
MPMDEMO.ZIP 114292 10-20-93 Maintenance Planning and Management 1.0D
| (Borje Kyrklund, reg. fee: $130) a tool for
| planning and management of the maintenance
| activities of an industry of any kind that
| uses equipment to produce its output. The
| number of data records in this demo version
| is limited to 15.
NETLINX.ZIP 44749 10-07-93 Netlinx 2.0 (S.I.G.M.A. Software Limited,
| reg. fee: $75/server) is a Windows-based
| network login program. It also allows users
| to connect/disconnect from available
| printers and services. Requires VBRUN200.
RM_20A.ZIP 239871 10-22-93 Windows Reminder 2.0a (jWilson WindoWare,
| Inc., reg. fee: $60) is a powerful time and
| task manager. NEW: DDE and Microsoft Mail
| support.
SEW.ZIP 499713 10-20-93 Scheduling Employees for Windows 3.00 (Guia
| International Corporation, reg. fee: $40) is
| designed to assist managers in scheduling
| weekly personnel resources. Windows 3.1 is
| required. Now available on 3.5" 1.44mb
| MegaDisk and CD only.
TIMCARD.ZIP 299993 10-15-93 Time Card 1.1 (David Merriman, reg. fee: $5)
| keeps track of how long you spend on
| different projects or tasks. It uses a
| unique graphical time clock/time card
| interface, and can maintain up to 100 timing
| periods for up to 10 projects. Most actions
| are accomplished by dragging a time card
| onto the Start Clock, Stop Clock, Trash Can,
| etc. Accumulated information may be exported
| in Excel compatible format. VBRUN200 is
| included.
WINADRES.ZIP 784974 01-05-80 Address for Windows 2.0b (Tomer Guez, reg.
| fee: $25) business/personal address manager.
| (1.44mb)
WINNET20.ZIP 662306 01-05-80 WinNet Mail 2.0 (Bob Tague, reg. fee: $0) is
| the start-up software for access to WinNet
| services and serves as an application for
| sending and receiving Electronic Mail and
| News articles with the world-wide Internet
| and Usenet networks. Connection is provided
| by Computer Witchcraft, Inc. (720K)
ZGRAFWIN.ZIP 148447 10-12-93 ZGRAPH for Windows 3.9 (John Jakob, reg.
| fee: $15) lets you create, display, and
| print a variety of graph styles within
| Windows. NEW: ability to save graph data
| files, and the ability to record the number
| of graph axis divisions and significant
| digits displayed along graph axes in these
| files.
BARCLOK.ZIP 34512 10-12-93 BarClock 2.3 (Patrick Breen, reg. fee: $15)
| is a small utility that displays useful
| information such as the time, the date, free
| memory, free resources and free disk space
| in the caption bar of the active window.
| Requires WIN31.
BWE.ZIP 24806 10-13-93 Beyond Windows Exit 1.50.12 (Martinsen's
| Software, reg. fee: $10) is a powerful,
| multi-function utility for exiting Windows.
| Requires VBRUN300.
CATCHME.ZIP 164369 10-13-93 CatchMe 1.2 (Jeff Nagle, reg. fee: $15)
| displays a very small date/time window that
| stays on top and moves out of the way
| whenever the mouse cursor comes near it. Now
| requires VBRUN300.
CONVRTR.ZIP 52949 10-20-93 Converter 1.5 (Mike Smith, reg. fee: $5) is
| a comprehensive conversion program for units
| of measure. NEW: improved interface, online
| help, and Biblical measures.
DDED10.ZIP 65118 10-06-93 DDEDial 1.0 (DameWare Development, reg. fee:
| $20) is a dynamic data exchange dial server
| intended for use with Windows 3.1 and
| Windows NT 3.1 database, spreadsheet and
| word processors which support DDE. This will
| eliminate the need to have separate
| telephone dialers for programs such as
| Microsoft's Acces, Excel, and Word. It also
| supports clipboard dialing.
DESKTOPW.ZIP 52493 10-06-93 edits files of any size.
DIALIT.ZIP 242240 10-11-93 Dial-It Pro 2.0 (Louis Collado, reg. fee:
| $20) is a desktop phone dialing package for
| Windows 3.1. NEW: full keyboard access,
| auto re-dial, credit card calling with
| security, speaker control, filtering,
| improved help, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
EVW300.ZIP 37102 10-06-93 Evaluate for Windows 3.00 (Eugene Nelson,
| reg. fee: $19) is an expression calculator
| that performs number base conversions and
| consumes minimal desktop space.
EZEXIT.ZIP 6179 10-06-93 EzyExit 1.34 (Ralph Arvesen, reg. fee: $0)
| allows you to quickly close any window
| currently beneath your cursor by
| double-clicking the right mouse button. This
| is a very handy little utility.
FATTYCLC.ZIP 580253 10-15-93 Fatty Calc Tape Calculator (Robert J.
| Piechuta, reg. fee: $25.00) is a calculator
| with a tape which works like a simple
| spreadsheet. It contains basic calculator
| functions, as well as integrated financial
| functions, such as calculations for mortgage
| payment, and future value of
| investment/savings. Tape entries can be
| annotated with comments and can be edited,
| printed, saved and retrieved as files. Tape
| entries can also be copied to the Clipboard
| for use in other apps like spreadsheets and
| word processors. (720K)
INFVIEW.ZIP 79773 10-14-93 InfView 1.2 (Dean Software Design, reg. fee:
| $7) is a file viewer/printer that can handle
| all files in ASCII or Hex regardless of file
| size.
KEYPRO.ZIP 63732 10-14-93 KeyPro 1.2 (Eric V. Grass, reg. fee: $43) is
| a text file editor for Windows. Features
| include the display of text in both fixed
| and variable width fonts, unlimited file
| size capacity, tab stop settings, optional
| text and background colors, a toolbar with
| font and point size controls, a status bar
| with line and column number display,
| clipboard operations, text search and
| replacement, printing, command line support,
| and more.
LAWJOKE.ZIP 35425 10-14-93 Lawyer-Joke-A-Day 1.02 (Ivory Tower
| Software, reg. fee: $10) is a hilarious
| database of jokes about the legal
| profession. Requires VBRUN300.
MARGCAL.ZIP 75343 10-14-93 Margin Calculator 2.0 (Stan Silverman, reg.
| fee: $10) is a dedicated financial
| calculator which determines margins, cost,
| or sell price. You enter any two of the
| variables, and it provides the third. An
| Enhanced Calculator mode adds optional
| fields for discount and list price. Requires
| VBRUN300.
MBA_CAL.ZIP 249414 10-21-93 M-B-A-nalyst 3.0 (CalcTech, Inc., reg. fee:
| $35) is an easy-to-use financial calculator
| which emulates the popular Texas Instruments
| BA-II Plus. Requires WIN31+.
MEGAED.ZIP 125247 10-12-93 Mega Edit 2.08 (Computer Witchcraft, Inc.,
| reg. fee: $39) is a Notepad replacement that
| can handle files of any size in ASCII,
| binary, UNIX, and Mac formats.
NOTE_NT.ZIP 78344 10-07-93 Notebook for Windows NT 1.L (Mark Berlinger,
| reg. fee: $10) is a powerful text editor for
| Windows NT. NEW: allows documents to be
| saved with long filenames in an NTFS
| partition.
PBWRITE.ZIP 46249 10-14-93 Powerbar/Write 5.5 (David Stewart, reg. fee:
| $12) is a powerful add-on package for
| Windows Write. It provides Write with a
| toolbar of the most commonly used menu
| features. Other features include a clock, a
| file finder, a directory maker, application
| launching, a printer page orientation
| toggle, timed automatic file saving, and
| much more. Requires VBRUN200.
PMASTER.ZIP 384010 10-21-93 The Phone Master 1.8 (Thomas Ens, reg. fee:
| $20) is a powerful phone number tracking
| package for Windows. Requires VBRUN300.
| (720K)
SMRTTOP.ZIP 27208 10-15-93 SmartTop 1.0 (Bill Dickson, reg. fee: $19)
| allows you to quickly and easily mark any
| Window as "Always-on-Top" even if it wasn't
| programmed that way. It can also program
| applications to always start on-top.
TFMAIL.ZIP 140597 10-12-93 The Gray Tree Frog Address List 9/27/93
| (Jonathan Schwartz, reg. fee: $10) is a
| name, address, and phone number management
| package. Now requires VBRUN300.
TXTMGR.ZIP 88988 10-15-93 Text Manager 2.0 (Digital Software, reg.
| fee: $10) is a nice replacement for NotePad.
| NEW: font support, multiple file type
| support, and more. Requires WIN31.
TXTVIEW.ZIP 283791 10-21-93 Text View 1.10 (Celista Software, reg. fee:
| $10) is a utility for viewing text files in
| Windows 3.1. Includes VBRUN200. Requires VGA
| and a mouse.
WE_20N.ZIP 456742 10-22-93 WinEdit 2.0N (Wilson WindoWare, Inc., reg.
| fee: $30-90) is a fast, full-featured
| programmable editor for Windows with special
| features designed for creating and
| maintaining program source code. NEW: Lite,
| Standard, and Pro versions with increasing
| functionality are included on the same disk.
| Now available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD
| only.
WHIZNOTE.ZIP 325787 10-12-93 WhizNotes 1.2 (Sanjay Kanade, reg. fee: $55)
| is a text organizer/help generator package
| for WIN31.
WINWISDM.ZIP 1003659 10-15-93 WinWisdom 4.0 (Richard Pitts, reg. fee: $15)
| displays a pop-up quote every time you start
| Windows. There is also a timer option that
| displays a new quote at a user defined
| interval. You may also customize the colors
| and fonts of the display. A quote
| reference/editor is also provided that
| allows you quick and easy access to all of
| the quotes in your database. You can search
| by subject, author, or any text string.
| Quotes can easily be added, edited, or
| deleted. All quotes can be copied to the
| clipboard for export to other programs.
| VBRUN300 is included. Available on 3.5"
| 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only.
WM2.ZIP 163145 10-20-93 Weights & Measures 2.0 (John Q. Lavelle,
| reg. fee: $30) is a desktop unit conversion
| program for Windows. Requires VBRUN200.
ACCEL1.ZIP 19524 10-05-93 Accel-One 1.0a (P. Fraundorf, reg. fee: $30)
| helps investigate questions about the motion
| of an object undergoing constant
| acceleration in one dimension. It provides
| graphical, numerical, and analytic solutions
| to such problems using either Newtonian or
| special relativistic expressions. Any 3 of 5
| independent variables are allowed. VBRUN200
| is required..
AUTOMATA.ZIP 261977 01-06-80 Automata 3.2 (Paul Franceschi, reg. fee:
| $50) study and analyze cellular automata.
| Also creates interesting bitmaps. NEW:
| several new bitmap and icon patterns
| included.
CASHKID.ZIP 79672 10-13-93 Cash for Kids 1.0T (Adrian-Thomas
| Developments Inc., reg. fee: $30) helps
| teach children 5-13 to manage their money
| wisely. A simple checkbook-style register
| records transactions, and allowances are
| deposited automatically. Your child sets
| future spending goals and graphs show if
| they are saving enough to reach them.
| Optional password security keeps each
| child's records private. A handy calendar
| and the Windows calculator can be activated
| with a single mouse click. Requires VGA and
| a mouse.
EXAMINER.ZIP 205566 10-11-93 Examiner 1.0 (J. Roy Burman, reg. fee: $59)
| is a quiz producing package. It allows the
| creation of multiple-choice and fill in the
| blank tests, and has a "learner" mode that
| presents a question and displays the correct
| answer. Length and time of a session is user
| configurable.
FLASHMTH.ZIP 491530 10-15-93 Flashmath for Windows 2.0 (George Cole, reg.
| fee: $22.00) helps students learn addition,
| subtraction, multiplication and division.
| The program displays the problems in flash
| card fashion on top of a BMP picture that
| you can change. Limits and ranges can be set
| for each student. Tests can also be created
| and saved. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb
| MegaDisk and CD only.
HANGWIN.ZIP 160633 10-12-93 HangWin 1.21a (Thomas A. Early, reg. fee:
| $15) is the traditional hangman word game
| for Windows 3.1. It features colorful
| animation and WAV sound support. There is a
| standard game which allows six guesses and
| an easy game which allows ten guesses. A
| sample dictionary is supplied, or you can
| create your own word list. The scoring
| window displays the average number of
| guesses per word, the number of words played
| in the current game, and the percentage of
| correctly guessed words. This is a nicely
| done package, suitable for all ages.
HJH.ZIP 299571 10-11-93 Hangman Jr. Hebrew Edition (Alston Software
| Labs, reg. fee: $24) is a Hebrew-language
| spelling game for children. A Hebrew font is
| included. VBRUN200 is required.
KURV1.ZIP 278693 10-14-93 Kurv+ for Windows 2.4 (Conrad Button, reg.
| fee: $16.) is a curve fitting program for
| Windows 3.x. It uses X,Y data to determine
| the coefficients for 27 mathematical
| equations (including third and fourth order
| polynomials).
KURV2.ZIP 331632 10-14-93 See KURV1.ZIP
VOCABLD.ZIP 14239 10-08-93 Vocabulary Builder 1.06 (Ivory Tower
| Software, reg. fee: $0) can extract a
| vocabulary list from a text file and save
| the list. Now requires VBRUN300.
486DX.ZIP 10312 10-05-93 486DX (Graphniques Software, reg. fee: $0)
| is a 3-dimensional BMP file of the Intel 486
| DX logo.
BBDINO.ZIP 169411 10-06-93 Baby Dino (reg. fee: $0) is a 256-color BMP
| file of the Baby from the TV show Dinosaurs!
BEV_BUT.ZIP 966 10-12-93 Beavis and Butthead Icons (reg. fee: $0)
| contains two icons of the infamous MTV
| characters.
BLANKA.ICO 766 09-30-93 BLANKA.ICO (Lucio A. Perez, reg. fee: $0) is
| an icon of the character "Blanka" from the
| video game Street Fighter 2.
BMPVIEW.ZIP 87222 10-06-93 BMP Viewer 2.0 (Mike Young, reg. fee: $0) is
| a simple BMP viewing utility. Requires
| VBRUN300.
CD.ZIP 10742 10-30-93 CD.BMP (reg. fee: $0) is a color graphic
| file of a compact disk.
CLINTON.ZIP 212260 10-30-93 CLINTON.BMP (reg. fee: $) is a 256-color
| graphic file of President Clinton.
UNDERS.ZIP 9194 10-30-93 UNDERS.BMP (reg. fee: $0) is a hilarious
| graphic file that succinctly parodies the
| complexity of modern computer systems.
COMICS.ZIP 29724 10-13-93 Comics Icons (reg. fee: $0) is a set of 60
| icons of assorted comic book characters.
DRPVIEW.ZIP 131877 10-13-93 DropView 2.01 (SCOTT HANRAHAN, reg. fee:
| $20) is a drag and drop image editor/viewer
| for Windows 3.1. NEW: support for BMP, GIF,
| PCX, TIF, EPS, and JPEG, supports all VESA
| true color video cards.
FMONST33.ZIP 307403 09-09-93 Font Monster 3.3 (Leaping Lizards, reg. fee:
| $20) is a TrueType and Type 1 font data
| editor, previewer, and installer for WIN31.
| NEW: on-screen help via a status bar, pop-up
| menus on right mouse click, the ability to
| print uninstalled TrueType fonts, and more.
| Requires VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb
| MegaDisk and CD only.
FNTSPEC.ZIP 115025 10-11-93 FontSpec 4.20 (UniTech Corporation, reg.
| fee: $25) is a TrueType font viewer and type
| specimen printer for Windows 3.1. NEW: the
| ability to install a single font. Now
| requires VBRUN300. ($25)
FRACWAL.ZIP 15200 10-20-93 Fractal Wallpaper (SCIS, Inc., reg. fee: $?)
| is a set of four BMP wallpaper files of
| fractal images.
GHOST11.ZIP 8272 10-14-93 Desktop Ghost 1.1 (TOGGLE BOOLEANS, reg.
| fee: $0) displays a cute little ghost that
| wanders around your desktop.
GWSWIN11.ZIP 617903 08-24-93 Graphic Workshop For Windows 1.1h (Steve
| Rimmer, reg. fee: $40.) lets you view,
| print, dither, flip, rotate, reverse, crop,
| convert, and perform special effects on
| virtually all bitmapped image files.
HANDWR.ZIP 36641 10-07-93 Handwriting Font (Alexander Walter, reg.
| fee: $0) is a fluid hand-written style font
| in both TrueType and LaserJet bitmapped
| formats.
HIERO.ZIP 46849 10-07-93 Hiero Font (Alexander Walter, reg. fee: $0)
| is an Egyptian Hieroglyphics font in both
| TrueType and LaserJet bitmapped formats.
ICM33.ZIP 141983 10-21-93 Icon Manager for Windows 3.3 (Impact
| Software, reg. fee: $27) helps create, edit,
| organize, extract, and install large numbers
| of icons in Windows 3.1.
ICOBMP.ZIP 41635 10-07-93 Ico2Bmp 1.0 (Gary R. Hawkins, reg. fee: $15)
| is a tool for converting icons into bitmap
| images. It can automatically convert one or
| a list of icon files to bitmap files giving
| the resulting bitmaps the same name as the
| icon files with a BMP extension. This can
| also function as an icon viewer. Requires
| VBRUN300.
ICONJES.ZIP 3843 10-20-93 Christian Icons (Ryan Neaveill, reg. fee:
| $?) contains a dozen icons with Christian
| themes.
IMNT33.ZIP 159263 10-21-93 Icon Manager for Windows NT 3.3 (Impact
| Software, reg. fee: $27) is a powerful tool
| for working with icons in the Windows NT
| operating environment. Icons can easily be
| moved, copied, and organized using a
| drag-and-drop interface. It can install
| icons directly into Program Manager or
| Norton Desktop using DDE, and cons may be
| edited using Windows Paintbrush.
LOADAVI.ZIP 70582 10-07-93 Load AVI (Karl Weller, reg. fee: $0)
| automatically imports 24-bit TGA files into
| Video for Windows. A hicolor card is
| required.
LOGOGO.ZIP 104671 10-14-93 Logogo 3.1b (Dick Koster, reg. fee: $6)
| allows you to keep multiple startup logo
| graphics in a ZIP file and have a new one
| come up every time you start Windows.
| Requires PKZIP/UNZIP.
NOBARN.ICO 766 09-30-93 NOBARN.ICO (reg. fee: $0) is a rather
| negative icon of Barney for people who don't
| particularly care for the ubiquitous purple
| dino.
PUMPKIN.ZIP 6445 10-14-93 Desktop Pumpkin 1.1 (TOGGLE BOOLEANS, reg.
| fee: $0) displays a cute blinking pumpkin
| icon on your desktop.
SMTFNT.ZIP 37547 10-14-93 SmartFont 1.0 (Bill Dickson, reg. fee: $29)
| is a handy font previewer that provides a
| scrollable window that displays all
| installed fonts. You can double click on any
| font to zoom in on it, and a window pops up
| with a display of sample text. You can
| instantly preview the font in a larger or
| smaller point size with bold or italic
| effects.
TAKEONE.ZIP 159271 01-05-80 TakeOne 1.0 (Rainer Doebele, reg. fee: $45)
| helps you create and modify bitmap images
| which can be imported and exported for use
| in other applications. TakeOne can also
| create animations for use in presentations,
| slide shows, greeting card or invitations on
| disk.
TPAK2.ZIP 404706 10-19-93 Tpak2 (T. Lee Harris, reg. fee: $15) is a
| set of three Mayan images for use as Windows
| wallpaper. Color and black and white
| versions are included. (720K)
VIDVUE.ZIP 335965 10-12-93 VIDvue 1.0 (Lawrence Gozum, reg. fee: $35)
| is an image viewer/utility package for
| Windows 3.1. It also functions as an AVI
| player and frame grabber. It supports a wide
| variety of image formats including PCX,
| and DCX. Its extensive editing features
| allow you to zoom in, dither, convert,
| flip/rotate, resize, reduce color,
| sharpen/smooth, and adjust
| contrast/brightness. The VFW runtime is
| required for AVI playback. Requires
| VBRUN200. .
WALLPK.ZIP 12758 10-08-93 Wallpick 1.00 (Williston Consulting, reg.
| fee: $0) is a simple tool that allows you to
| quickly preview and select wallpaper files
| without having to go through the Control
| Panel.
WINKER.ZIP 36983 10-19-93 WinkBear (George Campbell, reg. fee: $0) is
| an animated graphic of a cute winking teddy
| bear. A sound file is provided for systems
| with sound cards. Requires WIN31 and
| VBRUN200.
WWPLUS.ZIP 775027 10-25-93 WinWall Plus 1.351 (Don Bradner, reg. fee:
| $15) tools to change, edit, and convert
| wallpaper. Requires Windows 3.1. Includes
| VBRUN300. NEW: wallpaper changes will not
| disrupt serial communications. (1.44)
ZIPBAR.ZIP 37049 10-18-93 Zipbar 1.1 (Jerry Whiting, reg. fee: $10) is
| a TrueType font that creates the PostNet bar
| codes used for zip codes on mail.
CANDY.ZIP 100709 10-30-93 CANDY.BMP (reg. fee: $0) is a beautiful
| 256-color fractal image.
BSTAR5.ZIP 378451 10-11-93 ButtonStar Deluxe 5.0.4 (Mark DiBiasio, reg.
| fee: $28) (formerly ButtonBar Plus) an
| icon-based menu system for Windows 3.1. NEW:
| drag and drop configuration, popup alarms,
| application scheduler, popup task manager,
| and more. A hard disk and VGA are required.
| Now requires VBRUN300. Available on 3.5"
| 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. ($28)
CAT31.ZIP 121531 10-11-93 Catman 3.10 (N.Waltham, reg. fee: $50) helps
| keep track of files stored on your floppy
| disks. It can scan archived files, track
| available free space on floppies, find
| files, launch files, and more.
CCCAN.ZIP 318971 10-13-93 Cool-Cool-Can 1.0 (Kansmen Corporation, reg.
| fee: $59) is a one-hour demo of a Program
| Manager replacement. It features quick
| graphical file viewers, ZIP file support,
| file identification, drag-and-drop
| functionality, and more.
CP_80H.ZIP 362361 10-22-93 Command Post 8.0h (Wilson Windoware, Inc.,
| reg. fee: $50) is a powerful text based
| shell for Windows with programmable menus, a
| built-in batch language, a file manager, a
| file viewer, and more. Now available on 3.5"
| 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only.
DISKSWP.ZIP 312733 10-11-93 DiskSweep 1.0 (Elite High Technology, Inc.,
| reg. fee: $30) is a unique program for
| managing files on your hard drive. It keeps
| track of the last time you accessed a file
| and informs you which of your files have not
| been used within a certain number of days.
| Seldomly used files can be moved to
| secondary storage on a floppy disk. When a
| program attempts to open a stored file, it
| is automatically restored. It can also scan
| for duplicate files. This is an excellent
| way to help free up valuable hard disk
| space. Requires VBRUN200.
DROPPER.ZIP 48358 10-06-93 Dropper 1.2 (Harlequin Ltd., reg. fee: $?)
| allows you to drag and drop files from the
| File Manager onto the desktop. The dropped
| file is represented by an icon, and to
| launch the application you simply double
| click on the icon. You can also drag a file
| onto the icon to have it launched from
| within that application. Requires WIN31.
EASYACC.ZIP 28025 10-13-93 Easy Access 1.1 (Browns Computerworks, reg.
| fee: $10) is a tiny program launcher for
| Windows 3.1. Up to 100 items can be added to
| the launch list. The program's icon is about
| half the size of a standard icon, so it can
| stay on top of other applications without
| getting in your way. Other features include
| a graphic resource monitor, four-page note
| keeper, and a quick run dialog box. VBRUN200
| is required.
FC_20K.ZIP 266143 10-22-93 File Commander 2.0k (Wilson WindoWare, Inc.,
| reg. fee: $50) allows the addition of
| programmable menu items to the Windows 3.1
| File Manager. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb
| MegaDisk and CD only.
FINDER.ZIP 25086 10-13-93 Finder 3.5 (Malcolm Hoar, reg. fee: $20) is
| a small and fast replacement for Windows
| Task Manager. It places a special icon on
| the titlebar of the currently active window.
| A single click on this icon displays a popup
| list of all programs running. Other
| features include a time/free memory display,
| an exit Windows option, a handy run dialog,
| and more. This is an excellent productivity
| enhancement package.
FLUSH.ZIP 70613 10-13-93 Flush 1.01 (Unique Software, reg. fee: $0)
| is a drag and drop file deletion utility for
| WIN31. Simply drag a file to the animated
| toilet icon, and the file is held until you
| "flush". The appropriate WAV sound files are
| included. Requires VBRUN300.
FMAPLIC.ZIP 128699 10-13-93 FM Applic 1.0 (Howard Knight, reg. fee: $25)
| is a powerful extension to the Windows File
| Manager. It provides a menu for launching
| your favorite applications, and can
| automatically launch specified programs when
| File Manager is invoked. Other features
| include special toolbar options for Windows
| for Workgroups users, and a unique
| association function that allows you to
| click once on an application and click on a
| file and have them load simultaneously.
ICONBAR.ZIP 34895 10-19-93 IconBar 1.71 (Tai-Wei Yin,, reg. fee: $15)
| is a NeXT dock-like supplement to Program
| Manager. NEW: support for ProgMan STARTUP
| group file.
LNCHPAD.ZIP 57534 10-07-93 LaunchPad 1.01 (Acelong Ltd., reg. fee: $15)
| is a powerful task switcher, application
| launcher and document manager for Windows
| 3.1. It features a user-configurable popup
| menu that lets you assign your favorite
| applications and commonly-used documents to
| a list. Adding new items to the list is
| extremely simple, and the application list
| can be accessed in a variety of ways. This
| is an excellent way to help increase your
| desktop productivity.
PMMENU.ZIP 32288 10-20-93 PMmenu 1.0 (MRL, reg. fee: $8) allows you to
| add an additional set of menu items to the
| Program Manager menu.
RIPBAR.ZIP 205877 10-12-93 RipBar 4.0 (Jonathan Carroll, reg. fee: $25)
| is a drag and drop application launcher,
| memory resource tracker, and desktop clock.
| NEW: hotkeys, Windows NT support, keyboard
| navigation, an exit tool, Post-it style
| notes, sound support, and much more.
SLOOPMAN.ZIP 203236 10-14-93 Sloop Manager 1.2d (Sloop Software, reg.
| fee: $37) is a complete graphical
| replacement for Windows' Program Manager.
| NEW: corrected 256-color display problem.
SMESME.ZIP 266718 10-20-93 Same<>Same 1.1 (DPM Computer Solutions, reg.
| fee: $8-13) makes it easy to transfer files
| from one computer to another via floppy
| disks. Requires VBRUN300.
SMSHLNT.ZIP 22018 10-14-93 Small Shell for Windows NT (Caro Software by
| Wendy, reg. fee: $10) is a significantly
| smaller replacement for Program Manager. It
| uses less resources, and provides a list of
| commonly used programs.
VLFM99.ZIP 58466 10-08-93 Volume Library File Manager 00.99.02 (By
| Matthew Murray, reg. fee: $10) is a
| replacement for Windows File Manager. NEW:
| better subdirectory operations,
| small/medium/large icon sizes, and more.
WINCAT.ZIP 402653 10-19-93 WinCat/PRO 3.3 (Mart Heubel, reg. fee: $15)
| is a powerful disk catalog/file management
| program for Windows. NEW: WAV file player,
| 3-D windows, disk label printing, CD
| support, extended search/sort capabilities,
| and more. (720K)
WINFSTP.ZIP 21277 10-08-93 WinFast Plus 1.2 (Art Ullman, reg. fee: $15)
| is a quick and easy utility for launching
| appliations in WIN31 and Windows NT. NEW:
| better setup tools, lets you minimize groups
| on the desktop, quick keyboard interface,
| and more.
WINSINC.ZIP 273004 10-12-93 WinSince 4.0 (Rob Hueniken, reg. fee: $20)
| allows you to search for files created on or
| after a particular date. NEW: built-in timer
| to automate file management. Includes
| VBRUN300. Available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk
| and CD only.
WIZMGR.ZIP 310299 10-18-93 WizManager 1.1c (Mijenix, reg. fee: $44) is
| a powerful add-on for Windows 3.1 File
| Manager. NEW: Windows for Workgroups support.
WMENU3.ZIP 92880 10-08-93 WinMenu 3.0b (Ricky Freyre, reg. fee: $20)
| is a menu system for Windows 3.1+. NEW: you
| can optionally categorize menu items into
| "sections" with up to 80 items, online help,
| instant screen saver invocation, and more.
| (360K)
WMENUN.ZIP 128252 10-12-93 WinMenu for Networks 3.0b (Ricky Freyre,
| reg. fee: $60+) is a menu system for Novell
| networks.
ZDELNT.ZIP 32832 10-11-93 zDEL 2.11 (P & J's Software, reg. fee: $1-5)
| a file and directory deletion tool for
| Windows NT. Multiple filespecs may be
| specified to delete files and exclude files.
| Other features include the ability to scan
| all logical drives, a "wipe" option for file
| security, and more.
AUTOWAV.ZIP 8076 10-20-93 AutoWave 1.0 (OsoSoft, reg. fee: $0) lets
| you play a WAV file by simply
| double-clicking on the filename in File
| Manager. Requires WIN31, a sound card, a
| mouse, and a hard disk. VBRUN200 is also
| required.
BOING1.ZIP 57157 10-12-93 Boing! 1.0 (Bob Hayes, reg. fee: $5) allows
| you to assign a WAV file to its icon for
| instant playback by pressing the right mouse
| button. Sound files may also be dragged and
| dropped from File Manager, and multiple
| instances of the program are allowed.
CARTOON.ZIP 264055 10-13-93 Cartoon Waves (reg. fee: $0) contains four
| interesting WAV sound files from classic
| Warner Brothers cartoons.
HITLINE.ZIP 66188 10-19-93 HitLine for Windows 1.0 (Dieter & Jurgen
| Schmitz, reg. fee: $0) is a multi-functional
| audio CD-Player/Database. It stores Artist,
| Title, Tracks, Length, etc. in a high-speed
| BTREE-Database.
SCARE.ZIP 305879 10-12-93 Scare (Mike Murphy, reg. fee: $1) displays
| scary Halloween images with sounds on your
| desktop. It runs in the background and has
| sound card support. Requires VBRUN300.
SFXWIN20.ZIP 148367 10-12-93 SoundFX for Windows 2.0 (David Smith, reg.
| fee: $20.00) contains some fun sound
| effects. This was recently chosen as one of
| top ten Windows programs by CompuServe
| Magazine.
SSVWR4.ZIP 193353 10-15-93 Sounds and Sights 4.0 (Whitehall Publishers,
| reg. fee: $40) is a combination GIF and WAV
| player for Windows 3.1. It allows you to
| play slide shows and to design your own
| scripts. You can also zoom in on pictures
| and save the results. Requires VGA or
| better, 4meg RAM, and VBRUN300. A sound card
| is required for sound features.
WAVES.ZIP 111288 10-20-93 WaveS 1.6b (Station Software, reg. fee: $30)
| is a demo of a sound file editor that's fast
| and easy to use with many advanced features.
WAVSORT.ZIP 215595 10-18-93 WavSorter 3.0 (Shepherd Software, reg. fee:
| $19) provides an intuitive way to sort sound
| files into Macintosh-like folders. Requires
| WIN31 and VBRUN300.
WMAKER.ZIP 34601 10-18-93 WavMaker 1.06 (Tony Azevedo, reg. fee: $?)
| will generate WAV files with pure sine or
| square wave tones. It does not require a
| sound card and is not a WAV player.
BORG.ZIP 197582 10-30-93 BORG.WAV (reg. fee: $0) is a 23-second sound
| file of Captain Picard proclaiming that he
| is "Locutus of Borg".
CURLY.ZIP 142649 10-30-93 CURLY.WAV (reg. fee: $0) is an interesting
| sound splice of the Three Stooges, Star
| Trek, and Laurel and Hardy.
BUTTON.ZIP 16981 10-30-93 BUTTON.WAV (reg. fee: $0) is a sound clip of
| Ren warning Stimpy not to push the "time
| eraser" button.
FALLEN.ZIP 49102 10-30-93 FALLEN.WAV (reg. fee: $0) says "I've
| fallen...and I can't get up!".
HELLO.ZIP 6212 10-30-93 HELLO.WAV (reg. fee: $0) is a sample from
| "Big Science" by Laurie Anderson. A
| synthesized, robotic voice says hello.
3CTRLS.ZIP 74906 10-05-93 Videosoft Custom Controls 3.0 (VideoSoft,
| reg. fee: $45) set of three VB custom
| controls. NEW: optimized speed for
| loading/unloading VBX's and creates smaller
| EXE and FRM files.
ANIMATE.ZIP 153764 10-12-93 Animation For Everyone (Russell D. Hoffman,
| reg. fee: $0) is a demonstration of
| Russell's Animation Machine (#20058).
ANIMATR.ZIP 11239 10-19-93 Animator (Scott Stephenson, reg. fee: $0)
| contains Pascal source code and an
| executable that shows how to access and
| write to the desktop screen. It simply draws
| some rays across the desktop while other
| programs are running.
CENVIW.ZIP 157517 10-11-93 CEnvi for Windows 1.005 (Nombas, reg. fee:
| $38) a C interpreter that doubles as a
| Windows batch language.
CSHOWPR.ZIP 19967 10-07-93 CShowPrcnt (reg. fee: $?) is a class which
| enables you to display a modeless dialog box
| with a subclassed UserControl to display
| graphically the current state of your
| background processing.
DBENG3.ZIP 143072 10-13-93 DBEngine 3.0 (Douglas A. Bebber, reg. fee:
| $75) is a custom control interface to the
| Paradox Engine 3.x. It allows VB and Visual
| C++ programmers to build multi-user
| network-compatible database management
| applications. This is compatible with VB
| 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 and Visual C++ 1.0.
DLLMST.ZIP 42531 10-13-93 DLL Master 2.03 (Shaftel Software, reg. fee:
| $28) lists all modules currently loaded in
| memory. It then allows you to load, unload,
| or decrement the use count.. Module path,
| date, time and file size are shown, and
| lists may be saved or printed. Requires
| WIN31 and VBRUN300.
FUZZGEN.ZIP 96430 09-06-93 FuzzGen 1.0 (Gary L. Alston, reg. fee:
| $15-25) is a source code generator for Fuzzy
| Logic. FuzzGen allows you to graphically
| model decisions and output source code in C,
LISTER.ZIP 103160 10-14-93 TheLister 1.01 (Enrico Lodolo, reg. fee:
| $20) is an advanced listing utility for
| Pascal programs. It enhances the readability
| of your listings, allowing you to identify
| at a glance the most important parts in a
| program. It will also number each page and
| mark a date/time stamp.
MYDDX.ZIP 8942 10-07-93 Myddx (reg. fee: $0) contains some common
| DDX routines for use in MFC applications.
| Included are Date, Time, Directory Existence
| and simple DDX routines for INT and float
| types with special handling.
PKT111.ZIP 79711 10-08-93 PackIt! 1.11.04 (Martinsen's Software, reg.
| fee: $23) is a Windows front-end to
| Microsoft Compress and Expand. It allows
| command line arguments, the ability to
| process multiple files at once, fast
| expansion using LZEXPAND.DLL, and much more.
| Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300.
PPRINT.ZIP 52663 10-14-93 Pprint 01 (Michael Cornelison, reg. fee:
| $15) is a programmer's printing utility for
| WIN31.
TDWGUI.ZIP 28112 10-08-93 TDWGUI (Jorge Monasterio, reg. fee: $0)
| allows you to run the Turbo Debugger as a
| graphical application. This should be
| especially useful for those who have
| conflicts between their graphics card and
| the standard debugger DLLs. Works only with
| Turbo Debugger for Windows.
VBAPI.ZIP 13221 10-08-93 VBAPI (Juancarlo Anez, reg. fee: $0) lets
| you build VBX custom controls using Borland
| Pascal. This includes source code in Pascal
| and Assembler, and an assembled OBJ.
VH.ZIP 329023 10-12-93 Visual Help 2.0e (WinWare, reg. fee: $49)
| makes it easy to create Windows Help files
| without having to know any of the technical
| in's and out's. Requires VBRUN300.
WB_40L.ZIP 277143 10-22-93 WinBatch 4.0L (Wilson WindoWare, Inc., reg.
| fee: $70) is a batch language interpreter
| for the Windows environment. Now available
| on a single 360K disk.
WDSM.ZIP 151927 10-18-93 Windows Disassembler 1.8 (Eric Grass & Todd
| Snoddy, reg. fee: $43) disassembles Windows
| executable, DLLs, and device drivers. The
| generated assembly language code is MASM 6.0
| compatible and may be displayed in a window
| and/or written to files. A utility is
| included which converts simple MASM source
| code into MASM 6.0 high level syntax for
| reducing the amount of source code and
| easier comprehension.
WILREF11.ZIP 333102 10-22-93 WIL Technical Reference 1.1 (Wilson
| WindoWare, Inc., reg. fee: $?) contains
| documentation files for the Windows
| Interface Language as used in several
| popular Wilson WindoWare programs including
| File Commander, Command Post, WinBatch and
| WinEdit.
WINDEV.ZIP 302376 10-18-93 Windows Developer 1.561 (Helios Software
| Solutions, reg. fee: $32) is an integrated
| program development environment.
WINLITE.ZIP 228822 10-18-93 Rosenthal WinLite 1.0 (Doren Rosenthal, reg.
| fee: $?) compresses MS-Windows programs to
| help dramatically reduce their size.
| Compressed programs are functionally
| identical to the originals, only smaller.
| The smaller, more efficient programs save
| disk space, LAN overhead, disk caching
| resources, and help discourage reverse
| engineering. The menu-driven process is
| totally automatic and requires no additional
| drivers and no modification to source code
| or linking.
WPJ1_8.ZIP 421316 10-12-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 #8
| (Peter J. Davis, reg. fee: $?) is a monthly
| forum for novice/advanced programmers to
| share ideas and concepts about programming
| in the Windows environment. This issue
| contains information in a Windows Help file
| and plain ASCII text. (720K)
XBS110.ZIP 138364 10-11-93 Xbase ISAM Driver (reg. fee: $0) contains
| version 1.00.0002 of the Xbase ISAM driver.
| This is the same version that is currently
| shipping with Access 1.1.
ACUBO.ZIP 5913 10-06-93 AccuBoard 1.1 (Chris Gerdji, reg. fee: $7)
| captures all text entries passing through
| the Clipboard and saves them to its own
| memory. The accumulated text can be restored
| back into the Clipboard at any time for
| further processing. There is a 3K memory
| limit in this evaluation version.
BMPSAV.ZIP 63666 10-12-93 Bitmaps .SCR 1.0a (Dave Charbonnet, reg.
| fee: $25) is a WIN31 screen saver module
| that uses 256-color bitmapped images.
| Requires SVGA and VBRUN300.
BUTTHD.ZIP 41708 10-13-93 Beavis & Butthead Screen Saver (reg. fee:
| $0) is a Windows 3.1 screen saver module
| featuring those lovable lame-brains from
| MTV. Pascal source code is included.
CBALLS.ZIP 26285 10-20-93 Crazy Balls (Computer Mindware Corp., reg.
| fee: $?) is a screen blanking module for
| WIN31. NEW: sound support, magnetic balls,
| and more.
CCURSOR.ZIP 17299 10-13-93 Custom Cursor 1.03 (John Di Troia, reg. fee:
| $15) allows you to instantly change your
| mouse cursor into a variety of different
| left and right-handed arrows, rockets,
| pointing fingers, swords, and more.
CORP_SS.ZIP 44571 10-15-93 Corporate Logo Screen Saver 1.7 (White
| Software, reg. fee: $8) lets you use any BMP
| graphic file as a Windows 3.1 screen saver.
| NEW: file share options for LANs.
DANCE.ZIP 19108 10-06-93 Dancing Lines Screen Saver (Pocket-Sized
| Software, reg. fee: $0) is a screen saver
| module for Windows NT.
DESCRIP.ZIP 52189 10-06-93 Descrip (Daniel McCann, reg. fee: $0) is a
| utility to view the module descriptions of
| files that contain a Windows 3.1 executable
| file header.
EXAMINE.ZIP 80490 10-21-93 Examine 1.0a (Aquila Software, reg. fee:
| $18) is a fast text search utility for
| WIN31. It can search both text and binary
| files using ordinary strings or grep-like
| regular expressions.
FLIP.ZIP 6770 10-20-93 Flip (R.E. Frazier, reg. fee: $0) is a
| Windows 3.1 screen saver that flips your
| video like a television in desperate need of
| a vertical hold adjustment.
HYPERS.ZIP 18825 10-07-93 HyperCycloids (Pocket-Sized Software, reg.
| fee: $0) is a screen saver module for
| Windows NT.
INIDIF.ZIP 83813 10-07-93 IniDif (Computer Tyme, reg. fee: $35/user)
| is a DOS command line utility that compares
| two INI files and produces a third file that
| contains the differences between the two
| files. This allows you to install a new
| Windows program and compare the changed INI
| file to the original one.
INITME.ZIP 85762 10-04-93 IniTyme (Computer Tyme, reg. fee:
| $95/server) is a DOS program that can change
| INI files on the fly as you load Windows. It
| allows you to write a CHANGE.INI file and
| apply changes to any INI file you want. It
| can also be used to mass update INI files on
| a network.
INIUPDA.ZIP 88170 10-14-93 INI Update and Edit Utility 1.1a (Nick
| Payne, reg. fee: $35) helps maintain INI
| files on networked versions of Windows.
KALEID.ZIP 6335 10-20-93 Kaleidescope (R.E. Frazier, reg. fee: $0) is
| a colorful screen saver module for Windows
| 3.1.
LIFE.ZIP 20904 10-14-93 Life Screen Saver (Pocket-Sized Software,
| reg. fee: $0) is a screen saver module for
| Windows NT.
MACQ.ZIP 123611 10-20-93 Macro Manager 2.0 (John Ruzicka, reg. fee:
| $25) lets you program any number of
| keystrokes into a two-key macro. NEW:
| improved speed and responsiveness, and now
| fits on a 640x480 screen. Requires VBRUN300.
NTREMOT.ZIP 65155 10-07-93 NTRemote (Techsys Computing, reg. fee: $20)
| is an installable service for Microsoft
| Windows NT 3.1 that provides the remote
| start function.
PRCLIP.ZIP 4161 10-20-93 PrClip 1.0 (Jeff R. Broughton, reg. fee: $0)
| provides an easy way of doing screen prints.
| Once the data is on the clipboard, a double
| click on the program's icon will send your
| data to the printer. Requires VBRUN300.
PRSWIT.ZIP 69454 10-20-93 PrintSwitch 1.8 (Graphic Impact, reg. fee:
| $12) provides a fast and easy way to change
| your default printer. Now requires VBRUN300.
PSAVER.ZIP 47503 10-20-93 People Savers 1.1 (Robert W. Smith, reg.
| fee: $18) contains three WIN31 Christian
| screen saver modules that fade in bible
| verses and display religious graphics.
| Requires VBRUN300.
QPRINT.ZIP 91022 10-14-93 Qprint 1.0 (Alpine Electronics, reg. fee:
| $10) is a print formatting utility for
| Windows. It allows you to quickly print
| ASCII files in a variety of user-defined
| formats. You can control margins, word wrap,
| line numbering, tab spacing, header
| information, and more. The formats are
| automatically chosen based on the file
| extension, allowing ".C" and ".H" files to
| print with one set of formatting rules,
| while ".TXT" files print with a different
| format. Several files may be selected to
| print at one time, and are spooled using
| Print Manager.
RIGHTON.ZIP 54965 10-08-93 RightOn 2.1 (Steven J. McCarthy, reg. fee:
| $15) allows you to program the right and
| middle mouse buttons to send virtually and
| keystroke to the window the mouse is in.
| Requires WIN31.
RITEON21.ZIP 86580 10-12-93 RightOn 2.1 (Steve McCarthy, reg. fee: $15.)
| allows you to program the right and middle
| mouse buttons to send virtually any
| keystroke to the window.
SEARCHR.ZIP 166372 10-15-93 Searcher for Windows 3.0b (Cognitronix,,
| reg. fee: $30) can locate files based on
| file name, path, text contents, or
| attributes. NEW: search and extract text in
| ZIP archives, fast entry recall from past
| sessions, and pop-up context sensitive help.
SPHERES.ZIP 19158 10-08-93 Spheres (Pocket-Sized Software, reg. fee:
| $0) is a screen saver module for Windows NT.
| It clears the screen and draws
| brightly-colored 3-dimensional spheres.
SSCFG32.ZIP 132539 10-15-93 SSCFG32 (Pocket-Sized Software, reg. fee:
| $5) allows Windows 3.1 users to configure
| and run many Windows NT screen savers.
| Requires WIN31 running in Enhanced Mode and
| Win32s. Several sample NT screen savers are
| provided.
SSHEL.ZIP 73789 10-08-93 SmilerShell 2.0 (Barry Smiler, reg. fee:
| $12) is a powerful replacement for Program
| Manager's RUN dialog.
STAR2.ZIP 26748 10-20-93 Star2 (R.E. Frazier, reg. fee: $0) is a
| WIN31 screen saver module that produces a
| 3-D starfield simulation. A 386 or better is
| recommended.
TESTV86.ZIP 25255 10-18-93 Testv86 (Michael Maurice, reg. fee: $?)
| contains demonstration programs of how to
| use EDOS internal entry points to display
| message boxes and run Windows applications.
| (Requires EDOS on disk #12570.)
TKILL11.ZIP 118479 10-12-93 Task Killer 1.1 (Hyperion Microsystems, reg.
| fee: $15) can display and optionally
| terminate/decrement all of the modules
| (DLL's and EXE's) currently loaded in
| Windows. Requires WIN31.
TWDYN.ZIP 77419 10-18-93 Twdyn 1.1 (Finetel, reg. fee: $?) allows you
| to quickly capture portions of windows and
| put them in your clipboard. Formats
| supported are TEXT, Windows METAFILE
| (graphics) and Csv (for spreadsheet and
| database).
UZPFRNT.ZIP 14761 10-08-93 UnZip Front End for Windows 1.1 (Shoreham
| Data, reg. fee: $10) is a simple Windows
| shell for PKUNZIP. Requires VBRUN300.
WATCHMN.ZIP 34101 10-18-93 WatchMan! 1.0b (DISTANT MARKETS, reg. fee:
| $39) is a powerful Windows file protection
| program.
WDF.ZIP 91805 10-12-93 DF Lite 1.12 (Mark Vitt, reg. fee: $20)
| copies the image of a floppy to a hard disk
| and lets you make multiple disk copies from
| it.
WINDUPE.ZIP 77089 10-20-93 WinDupe 1.13 (MaeDae Enterprises, reg. fee:
| $44) is a fast and powerful diskette
| duplicator for Windows.
3X3.ZIP 102586 10-05-93 3x3 Labeler 1.2 (TANSTAAFL Software, reg.
| fee: $20) reads 3.5" disks and prints a
| directory listing on a label. Requires
| VBRUN300.
CD_PRNT.ZIP 133807 10-20-93 CodePrint 2.20 (Micro Software Solutions,
| reg. fee: $20) is a powerful file printing
| utility for Windows 3.1. NEW: most recently
| used file list, support for printers that
| internally support duplex printing, drag and
| drop support, bug fixes, and more.
CLIPMT.ZIP 195835 10-11-93 ClipMate for Windows 2.09b (Thornton
| Software Solutions, reg. fee: $25) is a
| powerful clipboard enhancement tool. NEW:
| support for most clipboard formats (Bitmap,
| Picture, RTF, OLE, and more), thumbnail
| view, easier pasting, and more.
CLOCKER.ZIP 106016 10-11-93 Clocker 2.2 (Winnovation, reg. fee: $25)
| will execute pre-determined events at a
| specific time. It can also function as an
| alarm clock, with popup reminder messages.
| Other features include network support,
| command line operation, and more. Requires
| WIN31.
DRAGZIP.ZIP 201184 10-13-93 Drag & Zip 3.0 (Dan Baumbach, reg. fee: $25)
| is a drag and drop font end for PKZIP and
| LHA. NEW: enhanced documentation, an
| uninstall routine, and more.
EDOS365.ZIP 221037 10-11-93 EDOS for Windows 3.65-H (FireFly Software
| Inc., reg. fee: $70) a powerful device
| driver that adds many amazing features to
| your DOS sessions in Windows 386 Enhanced
| Mode.
EIW.ZIP 110203 10-20-93 Encrypt-It for Windows 2.01 (MaeDae
| Enterprises, reg. fee: $59) is a powerful
| encryption/decription package. NEW:
| command/icon bar for quick execution of
| common commands, date/time display, and more.
FC4WIN.ZIP 292933 10-11-93 Floppy Copy for Windows 1.0 (Barry Pearlman,
| reg. fee: $20) is a file duplication utility
| that stores data on hard disk for future
| duplication. Features include auto detection
| of media size, disk format while
| duplicating, verification, and more.
FINDITW.ZIP 89768 10-13-93 Find-It for Windows 3.59 (RME Enterprises,
| reg. fee: $25) is a fast and powerful search
| utility.
FXSAVE.ZIP 280078 10-11-93 Visual FX Screen Saver (Tim Hitchings, reg.
| fee: $0) contains a WIN31 screen saver
| module that can display AutoDesk FLC, FLI,
| and AAS files. It can also play AVI files or
| move a user-selected BMP, ICO, or WMF file
| around the screen in four different styles.
| Requires VBRUN300.
HOTTASK.ZIP 142474 10-14-93 Hot Corners 1.5 and Task List ++ 1.0 (Ken
| Walters, reg. fee: $10) is a set of two
| handy Windows 3.1 utilities. Hot Corners
| will allow you to assign actions to each of
| the four corners of your screen, including
| launching programs and invoking the screen
| saver. Task List ++ allows you to switch
| among running programs and also start any
| new program very quickly.
JSDCOPY.ZIP 209663 10-15-93 JDSCopy 1.0 (Johnathan Mark Smith, reg. fee:
| $15.00) allows you to copy a disk with the
| click of only one button.
MBOOT61.ZIP 464639 10-21-93 MicroBoot 6.1 (Fred Freel, reg. fee: $30) is
| a set of system configuration utilities for
| Windows 3.1. It allows up to 10 levels of
| system configuration for both DOS and
| Windows, and allows for up to 10 different
| Program Managers. Other features include
| context sensitive help, multi-reboot and
| system copy options, and much more. Seven
| freeware utilities are also provided,
| including a system resource monitor, desktop
| clock, calendar, and a drag-and-drop WAV
| sound file player. VGA is required. This is
| available on 3.5" 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD
| only.
SDU240.ZIP 297586 10-14-93 Sabdu 2.40 (Stewart A. Berman, reg. fee:
| $20) provides an interface for copying,
| comparing, and formatting diskettes. NEW:
| improved user interface, easier
| installation, and more.
SECLAU.ZIP 247037 10-11-93 Security for Windows (John Jeffries, reg.
| fee: $0) contains two programs that add a
| measure of security to Windows. The first
| utility alters Program Manager to remove the
| FILE command and SAVE options so no programs
| can be run that are not on the ProgMan menu.
| The second utility is a program launcher
| that requires passwords. Sample setup files
| are provided. VB source code and VBRUN200
| are included.
SHOWGRP.ZIP 375163 10-12-93 Show Groups 1.2 (TecLogic, Inc., reg. fee:
| $30) produces visual, hard-copy and/or
| archive access to the information contained
| in your WIN31 GRP files. Information can be
| printed or saved to a disk file. Includes
| VBRUN300. (720K)
SUPERST.ZIP 280532 10-20-93 Super Stuff 3Q93 (Super Tools, reg. fee:
| $20) (formerly Super Group) is a useful set
| of utilities for Windows 3.1. It includes a
| Task Manager replacement and a Program
| Manager application that lets you configure
| program groups as individual windows
| anywhere on the desktop. NEW: a
| drag-and-drop wallpaper changer.
T2SAMPL.ZIP 326128 10-15-93 T2: The Screen Saver Sampler Pak (Sound
| Source Unlimited, reg. fee: $25) contains a
| WIN31 screen saver module, a BMP file, and
| three audio clips based on the movie
| "Terminator 2: Judgement Day". The screen
| saver is an incredible animated scene of a
| factory where the killer cyborgs are
| manufactured. It features password
| protection and digitized sounds. This is a
| MUST for all science-fiction fans!
WCHG14.ZIP 96305 10-18-93 Win Change 1.4 (JRE Enterprises, reg. fee:
| $15) provides the ability to globally change
| text in GRP, INI, PIF, and other file types.
| Requires VBRUN300.
WINIMA11.ZIP 221547 09-15-93 WinImage 1.11 (Gilles Vollant, reg. fee:
| $20) is a powerful disk copying tool. NEW:
| greater manipulation of images.
WINOCR20.ZIP 441549 01-05-80 WinOCR 2.0c (Softech, reg. fee: $30) is an
| Optical Character Recognition program that
| works with bitmaps produced using low cost
| hand-held scanners and is intended to
| provide a cheap and effective method of data
| entry for computer programmers. Requires
| Windows 3.1 and 2MB RAM. Now on two disks.
WINPRNT.ZIP 78129 10-08-93 WinPrint 1.51 (Kindel, Charles E. Jr., reg.
| fee: $25) lets you print plain ASCII text
| files from within Windows. NEW: now supports
| multiple pages up, uses Print Manager for
| background printing, a complete command line
| interface, and more.
WINSEC10.ZIP 323528 10-21-93 WinSecure 1.0 (H. Rudy Nesmith, reg. fee:
| $13) is a screen saver with password
| protection and messaging abilities. Includes
| VBRUN200.
XTN.ZIP 462399 10-25-93 VLSI Response 3.1 (Bob Brinkoetter, reg.
| fee: $25) causes the computer system to
| automatically perform certain functions when
| a security sensor is tripped. This might
| include sending commands to turn switches
| on, autodialing you at work to send a voice
| message, etc. It is designed to work in
| conjunction with popular remote automation
| or security systems like the X-10, AT&T,
| G.E., Schlage, Sears, Stanley and many other
| systems. Requires 2 meg memory, 1.5 meg of
| disk space, Windows 3.1 or greater, DOS 5.0
| or greater, Hayes compatible modem, a mouse
| and VGA 640x480 or better.
CH_PAPER.ZIP 5437 10-30-93
BDD150.ZIP 125619 10-06-93 Battles on Distant Deserts 1.5 (Glacier Edge
| Technology, reg. fee: $15-25) is a strategic
| war game for Windows that presents
| hypothetical battles which could have
| occurred during Operation Desert Storm. You
| can command M1A1 Tanks, M2 Bradleys, AH-64
| Apaches, Infantry and other units against
| Saddam's T72s, T62s, T55 tanks, BMP IFVs,
| and Infantry in a variety of tactical
| situations. You can play against the
| computer or a friend, and choose to fight
| for the Coalition or Iraqi forces.
BDP150.ZIP 170647 10-06-93 Stardate 2140.2: Battles on Distant Planets
| 1.5 (Glacier Edge Technology, reg. fee:
| $5-40) is a complex sci-fi battlefield
| strategy game for Windows.
BOXEM.ZIP 688100 01-05-80 Boxem 1.0 (Flat Rabbit Software, reg. fee:
| $18) is a game of logic similar to
| "pen-the-pig" or "squares". The object of
| the game is to build more boxes on the game
| grid than your opponent. When a complete box
| is made, the box is removed to show a
| portion of a picture which lies under the
| playing board. When all the boxes are made,
| the complete picture becomes visible and a
| brief description of the picture appears.
| This game features beautiful 256-color
| pictures and high quality digitized sound
| clips. You can also add your own pictures,
| sounds, and descriptions to the game.
| Requires WIN31, 4meg RAM, VGA, mouse, and a
| hard disk. This is available on 3.5" 1.44mb
| MegaDisk and CD only.
PGT11.ZIP 438452 10-25-93 Personal Golf Tracker for Windows 1.1 (John
| I. Hancock, reg. fee: $25) is a golf score
| database with extensive analysis of your
| golf game. Now includes VBRUN200 on the
| second disk.
RHAPSODY.ZIP 160027 10-12-93 Rhapsody! A King Kong Battle 1.0 (Jeffrey R.
| Marken, reg. fee: $10) is an interesting
| 2-player strategy game for Windows. You must
| maneuver your King Kong around the maze-like
| city to try to capture your opponent. Each
| player's turn consists of giving his Kong
| directions (North, South, East, or West) and
| the number of steps to take in that
| direction. Your turn is ended if you run
| into a building or fail to reach your
| opponent's location.
TEETIME.ZIP 168855 10-15-93 Tee Time 1.2 (MerryWare, reg. fee: $20) is
| an interesting strategy/puzzle game based on
| Tetris. The object of the game is to clear
| all the blocks on a 10x10 playing grid. The
| target blocks do not fall but appear in a
| window for placement, and can be rotated and
| reversed. The playing grid is divided into
| four 5x5 quadrants by two mirrors, one
| vertical and one horizontal. A row or column
| clears when it can be divided into two
| halves that are "negative mirrors" of each
| other. This is a very challenging game.
TYAHOO.ZIP 129049 10-12-93 Triple Yahoo! 2.0f (Dan Puraty, reg. fee:
| $10) is a Windows 3.1 version of the dice
| game Triple Yahtzee for up to four players.
| Requires VBRUN200.
ULTIMA21.ZIP 547653 10-12-93 Ultima 21 Deluxe for Windows 1.7 (Bitwise
| Software International,, reg. fee: $40.)
| allows you to play blackjack in one of four
| different casinos with computerized or human
| players. You can control the card count,
| change dealers, keep statistics, and change
| any or all of the casino rules. (720K)
VDP20.ZIP 294458 10-12-93 Video Draw Poker 2.0 (WT Enterprises, reg.
| fee: $15 CDN) is a game of video poker for
| WIN31. Features include WAV sound support
| and 256-color card backs. A 386/33 or better
| machine is recommended. Requires VBRUN300.
ZANTI1.ZIP 246964 10-20-93 Zanti! 1.2b (Patrick Sheaffer, reg. fee: $5)
| is an exciting multi-media arcade game. You
| must guide the Zanti aliens into the hands
| of Earth's military. This is accomplished by
| connecting pieces of a tunnel from the
| invader's ship to an ending piece. If you
| have played any of the "Pipe Dream" type
| games, you'll understand how this works.
| There are great 256-color graphics and
| digitized WAV files to add to the enjoyment
| of the game. This is available on 3.5"
| 1.44mb MegaDisk and CD only. (A set of
| PG-13 rated graphic files for this game is
| available on the CD in ZANTI3.ZIP. )
ZANTI2.ZIP 422819 10-21-93 See ZANTI1.ZIP
ZANTI3.ZIP 1263876 10-21-93 See ZANTI1.ZIP
CSHEARTS.ZIP 291901 10-30-93 BLOK_BR.ZIP
54547 10-20-93 Block Breaker 3.13E (Yutaka Emura, reg. fee:
| $10) is a colorful WIN31 version of the old
| Breakout game.
JEWLTHF.ZIP 69131 10-14-93 Jewel Thief 1.4 (ServantWare, reg. fee: $10)
| is a mouse-driven arcade game where you try
| to steal as many jewels as you can while
| avoiding the ever-present guards.
PENTABL.ZIP 38172 10-21-93 PentaBlox 1.0 (Aquila Software, reg. fee:
| $20) is a puzzle game with twelve unusual
| pieces and 2339 unique solutions. The pieces
| may be rotated and flipped for placement
| using a handy toolbar and the drag and drop
| interface. There is no timer and no falling
| pieces as in Tetris games, and your
| solutions can be saved to a file for future
| reference.
WSLAM.ZIP 44672 10-11-93 Slam! 1.0 (Robert Epps, reg. fee: $10) an
| excellent air hockey game for Windows 3.1.
| It allows you to play on a 3-D table agains
| a computerized opponent with adjustable
| speed and aggressiveness. You may also
| customize screen colors and the overhead
| view angle. A 386 or better CPU is required.
ALLTEXT.ZIP 88704 10-19-93 AllText (Bennet-Tec Information Systems,
| reg. fee: $125) t is a multiple font/color
| text box custom control. It supports the
| simultaneous display of multiple fonts, font
| characteristics and color, paragraph
| formatting, and the inclusion of a bitmapped
| background to the control. You can include
| an edit/display text box as part of your VB
| program. The ability to highlight words with
| colors as well as font characteristics make
| an excellent choice for use in word
| processing and hypertext applications. An
| executable demo is included.
BARCOD.ZIP 23050 10-06-93 BarCod (James Shields, reg. fee: $15) is a
| custom control that displays bar codes. You
| simply place it on your form, size it to
| your liking, and set the style. It supports
| 3 of 9, 2 of five, and more.
BLOONVB.ZIP 25425 10-12-93 Balloon.vbx 3.0 (Weimar Software, reg. fee:
| $18) is a custom control that allows you to
| add a unique colored balloon help feature to
| your VB application.
BMPLST.ZIP 56583 10-06-93 BmpLst (James Shields, reg. fee: $20) is a
| VB custom control that provides a list box
| that displays a bitmap and a line of text
| for each item in the list.
BMPVWS.ZIP 9894 10-06-93 BMP Viewer Source Code (Mike Young, reg.
| fee: $0) contains VB source code for a
| simple BMP file viewing utility.
CHARLIE.ZIP 269638 10-11-93 Charlie 2.0 (Monte Carlo Software, reg. fee:
| $10) allows you to manage the
| data-dictionary of an access database, as
| it's used by the engine delivered with VB3.
| NEW: online help, friendlier interface with
| animated buttons, and more.
CLACKER.ZIP 24378 10-13-93 Clacker 3.0 (Weimar Software,, reg. fee:
| $18) is a VB custom control that allows you
| to add a dynamic menu help status bar to
| your applications.
CUSTCRS.ZIP 15370 10-20-93 Custom Cursors Demo (reg. fee: $0) contains
| code and icons from Mike Stanley's article
| on Creating Custom Cursors in VB, from
| Visual Basic Programmer's Journal, Dec./Jan.
| 1993/94.
FSP.ZIP 24460 10-06-93 FSP.DLL (Chris Vardy, reg. fee: $0) contains
| a small DLL that returns the number of bytes
| free on the given drive.
GRID.ZIP 82574 10-07-93 Grid (G. Guardalben, reg. fee: $0) is a
| data-aware grid control. A demo application
| is included.
INICON.ZIP 22982 09-24-93 Inicon 2.2 (James Shields, reg. fee: $5.00)
| Visual Basic custom control that makes INI
| file access simple. No Windows API calls
| required.
JOYSTK.ZIP 23746 10-07-93 Joy Stick Custom Control (Mabry Software,
| reg. fee: $15) gives joystick information
| (movement, buttons) for your VB programs.
MENUEV.ZIP 20632 10-07-93 Menu Event Nofication Control (Mabry
| Software, reg. fee: $10) is a custom control
| that provides menu selection notification.
| It will tell you when the user has selected
| a menu item, and is useful for status
| bar-style help.
METAPRN.ZIP 15995 10-07-93 Metaprn (P. B. Dyson, reg. fee: $5 pounds
| Sterling) lets you use Metafiles in VB
| without VBX's. You can load both types
| without needing to use a picture box. Source
| code and an executable are included.
MF_DB.ZIP 122077 10-14-93 MF 1.02 (Carl Brown, reg. fee: $2-186) is a
| multi-user, high performance database for
| creating professional Windows 3.x
| applications. NEW: a sample VB2 application
| is included, and several new functions were
| added.
MHELP.ZIP 4812 10-07-93 Mhelp (MicroHelp, Inc., reg. fee: $0) is a
| DLL with VB versions of PEEK, POKE, INP,
| and SSEGADD.
MSLOT.ZIP 14722 10-07-93 Mslot (Zane Thomas, reg. fee: $25) is a VB
| custom control that provides simple
| interprocess communication between programs
| running on the same or different computers
| running Windows for Workgroups. No API calls
| are required.
NAM_VB.ZIP 11854 10-07-93 Visual Basic Conventions and Guidelines (Jim
| Collier, reg. fee: $?) contains a complete
| VB naming convention and resource text. It
| Includes methods for creating readable,
| reusable code and covers data access.
NETBIO.ZIP 91772 10-07-93 NetBIOS Custom Control (Intelec Systems
| Corporation, reg. fee: $99) lets you easily
| create client/server applications for
| Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups.
| Requires VB 2.0 or higher. This is a runtime
| demo version.
NODEFND.ZIP 31891 10-14-93 Node Database Grid Browser ([75210,3332],
| reg. fee: $0) contains full source code that
| implements a table browser using a grid
| control. There are no limitations on record
| numbers, no VBX's or DLL's, and no fees or
| copyrights. Requires VB 3.0.
NUMWIN.ZIP 19692 10-14-93 NUMWIN.VBX 3.0 (Weimar Software,, reg. fee:
| $18) is a VB custom control that makes it
| easy for you to provide your users with
| additional programming features like DDE,
| OLE, and other custom features which require
| hWnds of other application's windows. It can
| also be used to obtain the hWnd of all VB
| hWnds of the running application to enable
| you to send messages to or manipulate the
| other windows in the application in ways VB
| does not directly allow. .
ROTEXT.ZIP 31278 10-14-93 Rotext (James Shields, reg. fee: $15) is a
| custom control that lets you put a label on
| your form at any angle of rotation.
SETUPK.ZIP 12641 10-08-93 Setup 1.00.004 (reg. fee: $0) is an updated
| version of SETUP.EXE for VB.
SETUPW.ZIP 34062 10-08-93 Setupwiz 1.00.532 (reg. fee: $0) contains an
| updated version of SETUPWIZ.EXE for VB3.
SHAD20.ZIP 21209 10-14-93 SHADBX.VBX 3.0 (Weimar Software,, reg. fee:
| $18) is a VB custom control that provides a
| popup text display feature similar to that
| provided by Windows help. It allows you to
| provide advisory or "hotspot" context
| sensitive text for your VB application. A
| mouse click or any keypress removes the
| window and continues the program.
SNDDEX.ZIP 21432 10-15-93 SNDDEX.VBX 3.0 (Weimar Software, reg. fee:
| $18) is a VB custom control for doing
| "sounds like" word matching. A standard
| soundex matching and an enhanced soundex
| matching version are both included.
STRBMP.ZIP 19206 10-08-93 STR2BMP 1.1 (Jorge Monasterio, reg. fee: $0)
| contains a DLL for converting VB bitmaps
| into VB strings and vice versa. NEW: updated
| for VB3.
VB2DOC.ZIP 17774 10-08-93 VB Source to Document (Eddie Juden, reg.
| fee: $25) creates a Word For Windows
| document from any MAK file.
VB3D.ZIP 20472 10-08-93 VBCtl3D (Jeff Simms, reg. fee: $29) allows
| you to easily add 3-D effects to controls,
| message boxes, dialogs, etc.
VBCOMM.ZIP 17641 10-08-93 Communications Control 2.0 (Mark Gamber,
| reg. fee: $0) a custom control that lets you
| access a modem through a VB application. It
| can be configured in many ways. A sample
| application is included to help you get
| started.
VBO103.ZIP 181850 10-12-93 Visual Basic Office 1.03 (Marquette Computer
| Consultants, reg. fee: $40) is an add-on
| package for VB 2/3. Features include a Code
| Librarian for managing reusable code, a
| ClipBoard File Manager that saves Clipboard
| text for search/retrieval, ButtonBar access
| to EXE, HLP document, VBX and MAK files, and
| much more. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300.
VBWINSP.ZIP 34244 10-08-93 Windows ID Spy (David Stewart, reg. fee: $0)
| will identify the Class Name, hWnd (Handle),
| Parent and Caption of any window or control
| the mouse passes over, as well as the x and
| y coordinates of the window's or control's
| rectangle. These pieces of data can then be
| passed as parameters to Windows API
| functions or used in other ways.
VXBASE_1.ZIP 354088 10-15-93 vxBase 3.07 (Terry Orletsky, reg. fee:
| $65.00) create database apps for Windows.
| NEW: 20 new functions; bitmaps; and
| subindexes.
VXBASE_2.ZIP 216640 10-15-93